OUTBoard minutes 022118
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 022118
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Last modified
12/27/2018 3:46:45 PM
Creation date
4/24/2018 3:25:47 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OUTBoard agenda 022118
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Approved3/21/18 <br />4 <br />it will into unobligated funds that can be used for futureproject requests. All grantsfrom this fundrequire a20-162 <br />percent local match. 163 <br />164 <br />Heidi Perry said one of those“who’s who”charts, referred to earlier in the meeting, mighthelp explain Orange 165 <br />County’s relationship with theB-GMPO. She asked if Hillsborough is in the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO.166 <br />167 <br />Abigaile Pittman answered that it is and then reviewed that the B-GMPO area islocatedto the eastof Mebaneand 168 <br />includes some incorporated areas of Mebane.169 <br />170 <br />6B.ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS MAP AND WEBSITE UPDATE (NISH TRIVEDI)171 <br />172 <br />Nishith Trivedireviewedthenew website.173 <br />174 <br />Heidi Perry asked about accessing the map.175 <br />176 <br />Nish Trivedi explained it is not open to the public yet whiletechnical issues are addressedand then he answered a 177 <br />few questions about what will be available and the layers that willbe available for the map.178 <br />179 <br />Heidi Perry asked whether there is a way to link to average daily travel counts. Nish Trivedi noted the question to 180 <br />look into that possibility. 181 <br />182 <br />Heidi Perry requested thatfatalities be added to the mapincluding bike and pedestrian. Nish Trivedi noted that 183 <br />request.184 <br />185 <br />AGENDA ITEM 7:Informational Items186 <br />None.187 <br />188 <br />AGENDA ITEM 8:STAFF UPDATES189 <br />190 <br />8.A.NC54CORRIDOR STUDY UPDATE (NISH TRIVEDI)191 <br />192 <br />Nish Trivedi shared thata corridor study is taking place, funded by NCDOT with a local match. It is important 193 <br />because currently there are three adopted,funded projects from Old Fayetteville Road to Greensboro Road and a 194 <br />decision needs to be made whether to widen all of NC 54 between those roads or a portion of it. There are several 195 <br />agencies involved. NC 54is experiencing traffic volume increases and is being used as an alternative to Interstate 196 <br />40. There are differing visions for the corridor (widening versus bicycle friendly),and the study is intended to help 197 <br />identify solutions that appeal to different visions. 198 <br />199 <br />Erle Smith asked why the plan saysbicycle safety verseswidening, why not both.Nish Trivedi said the plan does 200 <br />address both and will passthe message along to consultants so they do not discuss the two as oppositions.201 <br />202 <br />Alex Castro mentioned the graphicpresented for existing conditions was outdatedregarding where stoplights are 203 <br />located. Nish Trivedi acknowledged that was trueand pointed out where new traffic lights are installed and will be 204 <br />installed in the future. 205 <br />206 <br />Nish Trivedi continued sharing the study information, notingthe graphics in the study also show crash areas, areas of 207 <br />environmental concern, and the levels of services along corridor withthe worse being in Orange County. There is 208 <br />also a graphic showing the level of services improving with stoplights. 209 <br />210 <br />Heidi Perry asked what the hours were for pedestrian or bike counts. She would like to know the time period(one day 211 <br />or multiple days averaged), days of the week,and time of daycounts were taken.Nish Trivedi noted those questions212 <br />and mentioned the times are detailed in the existing conditions report.213 <br />214
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