Orange County NC Website
Public Hearing Notice As part of the CTP application, a public hearing must be held in <br />front of the applicant's governing body. The public hearing may <br />cover multiple grant requests to include 5311, Appalachian <br />Program, 5310 Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with <br />Disabilities, and ROAR The applicant must publish one public <br />notice in a newspaper(s) having general circulation in the project's <br />proposed service area. It is recommended that the Public Hearing <br />Notice provide a minimum of seven (7) calendar days notice and a <br />6 maximum of fourteen (14) calendar days notice between the time <br />that the Public Hearing Notice is published in the newspaper and <br />the actual public hearing date. In accordance with the DOT LEP <br />Guidance, 70 FR 74087, (December 14, 2005), a public notice will <br />also be published in Spanish in counties that have 1,000 or 5% of <br />their population that speaks Spanish at home, but speaks English <br />less than well. Applicants in the counties listed in Appendix A <br />MUST publish a public hearing notice in English and Spanish. <br />PTD is not including a Spanish version of the public notice in the <br />application package. Applicants should have the public notice <br />translated locally to ensure the accuracy of the translation. <br />Public Hearing / Public The applicant must hold a public hearing on the proposed <br />Hearing Record / Public project(s) to allow members of the community the opportunity to <br />Hearing Minutes comment on transportation needs and the grant application. Each <br />grant request (i.e., 5311, Appalachian, 5310, or ROAP) must be <br />addressed individually with the hearing formally opened and <br />closed, and reflected in the minutes. During the hearing the public <br />should explicitly be asked if they wish to comment on the proposed <br />funding. The public hearing will be held before the governing <br />board. <br />7 County Commissioners - county applicants <br />■ Board of Directors - non - profit applicants <br />■ Authority Board of Directors or Executive Board - public <br />transportation authorities <br />■ City/Town Council - municipalities <br />The Clerk /Secretary to the Board must complete, sign and certify <br />the Public Hearing Record form. Either indicate that NO public <br />comments were made or public comments were made and enter <br />the estimated date for board approval of meeting minutes. A copy <br />of the board approved minutes must be submitted if comments <br />were made at the Public Hearing. <br />32 <br />