Orange County NC Website
• The Transportation Advisory Board must include representatives from the elderly, minority, LEP, <br />disabled and /or low income populations in the service area or include individuals that represent these <br />consumer groups that will challenge the transit system to be more sensitive to their needs or to discuss <br />unmet needs of their consumer group. Census data should be consulted to determine which groups <br />should be represented and the size of the representation needed. <br />• If the applicant serves as an "umbrella" agency for programs in addition to transportation services, <br />then the Executive or Governing Board may not serve as the Transportation Advisory Board. There <br />may be overlapping of members from the Executive or Governing Board, but there must be a separate <br />Transportation Advisory Board that meets the requirements. <br />• If the applicant is a transportation authority or a non - profit organization that qnly provides <br />transportation, the Executive or Governing Board may serve as the Transportation Advisory Board. In <br />this case, the composition of the Executive or Governing Board will have to meet the 5311 Program <br />requirements to serve as the TAB or consider creating a separate TAB that does meet the requirements. <br />• PTD expects, at a minimum, quarterly TAB meetings for the community transportation system to <br />maintain ongoing communications as one means of seeking public involvement, and ongoing <br />administrative oversight. TAB meetings must be open to the public and the public must be notified of <br />the scheduled meetings through such means as posting notices on agency Web sites; local news media; <br />flyers; etc. Additionally, meeting minutes must be published and distributed to PTD regional mobility <br />development specialists, with original file copies maintained by the transportation system for a <br />minimum of five (5) years. <br />• All TAB or Governing Board members must sign a Conflict of Interest form and the signed form(s) <br />must be attached as an annlication document. <br />Regulatory Compliance <br />All projects must annually meet all Federal /State requirements prior to July 1, the beginning of <br />the project period and State fiscal year, to be eligible for reimbursement of Federal funds for the <br />entire project period. Applicants that do not meet federal and state requirements are not <br />eligible to receive reimbursement for expenses incurred prior to the effective date of <br />compliance. NCDOT will not award any financial assistance until the applicant provides <br />assurance of compliance and it has been determined that federal and state requirements are <br />met. In addition to Federal compliance requirements, PTD requires all transit systems to: <br />1) submit a 5 -year budget with account codes mapped to PTD G- codes; 2) use automated <br />scheduling software; 3) maintain 80% or greater compliance in AssetWorks; 4) submit required <br />reports such as Charter, OpStats, ROAP, etc ... by the designated due date; 5) submit a Fully <br />Allocated Cost Model; 6) submit invoices on a monthly or quarterly basis; 7) participate in 2 <br />official site visits per fiscal year with Mobility Development Specialist. <br />29 <br />