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Article 2: Procedures <br /> Section 2.9: Conditional Districts <br /> <br /> <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-34 <br /> <br />Applications to rezone property to a CZD shall be submitted to the Planning Director and <br />shall be processed in accordance with the procedure(s) for: <br />(1) Zoning Atlas amendment (Section 2.8), <br />(2) Site plans (Section 2.5) for CZDs that require a site plan, and <br />(3) The provisions of this Section. <br />(C) Submittal Requirements <br />(1) In addition to the CZD application form, an applicant shall also submit the <br />following information: <br />(a) A site plan prepared in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.5 of <br />this Ordinance, except for Master Plan Development (MPD)-CZD <br />applications (see (C)(2) below). <br />(b) A detailed description of the proposed use of property including an <br />outline of the proposed development. <br />(c) A detailed traffic survey, regardless of the estimated number of trips per <br />day, prepared in accordance with all applicable North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation (NC DOT) requirements or standards as <br />well as Section 6.17 of this Ordinance. <br />(d) The appropriate Environmental Document prepared in accordance with <br />Section 6.16. <br />(e) A landscape plan showing the location of on-site significant trees; <br />proposed screening, buffers, and landscaping; and any proposed <br />treatment of any existing natural features. <br />(f) A summary of utility services, including processing of wastewater. For <br />Home Park (HP) CZD, the utility service plan shall specify if the <br />proposed services are temporary or permanent connections. <br />(g) A schedule of construction of all elements of the proposal. <br />(h) Any other information identified during the pre-application conference <br />deemed essential to demonstrate the project’s compliance with these <br />regulations. <br />(2) In lieu of the requirements in (1)(a) above, an application for a Master Plan <br />Development (MPD) CZD shall include the requirements in Section 6.7. The <br />requirements of (1)(b) through (1)(h) above are applicable for MPD-CZ <br />applications. <br />(3) 26 copies of the application package required in (1) and (2) above shall be <br />submitted by the applicant. <br />(4) The Planning Board and/or Board of County Commissioners may request <br />additional information in order to evaluate and properly process the application <br />for a CZD. <br />(D) Neighborhood Information Meeting <br />(1) Before a Public Hearing may be held on an accepted application for a CZD, the <br />applicant is required to schedule, with the assistance of the Planning <br />Department, a minimum of one neighborhood information meeting. The purpose <br />of this meeting is to obtain surrounding property owner input and comments on <br />the proposed development project. <br />(2) The applicant shall obtain property owner mailing address information from the <br />Orange County Planning Department and shall mail notices of the meeting date <br />and time via first class mail to each property owner within one thousand feet of <br />the property for which a CZD has been requested. <br />77