Orange County NC Website
Article 6: Development Standards <br />Section 6.12: Signs <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 6-77 <br />(D) No person may continue to operate, maintain, or leave standing any sign or part or <br />component thereof for more than 30 days after the permit authorizing such sign has been <br />revoked in accordance with this Section. <br />6.12.10 Maintenance <br />All signs, together with braces, guys and other supports shall be kept in good repair. If at any <br />time a sign should be abandoned, declared unsafe, or deemed poorly maintained, the Planning <br />Director shall notify the owner of the sign of such condition. Failure of the owner to correct the <br />maintenance condition shall cause the Planning Director to take appropriate legal action to have <br />the sign removed. <br />6.12.11 Signs Permitted in All Zoning Districts <br />The following signs are permitted in all zoning districts with the issuance of a zoning compliance <br />permit, in accordance with the requirements of this Section and the additional standards for each <br />sign established herein: <br />(A) Permanent Identification Signs for Subdivisions, Multi-family Developments, <br />Mobile Home Parks, and Schools <br />(1) Identification signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in area and six feet in height. <br />(2) Developments shall be limited to two signs at each point of ingress/egress. <br />(3) Signs shall be placed outside of the site visibility triangle so as not to obstruct the <br />view of traffic. <br />(4) Signs may be illuminated in such a fashion so as not to affect the view of <br />motorists. <br />(B) Signs for Non-profit Organizations on Premise <br />(1) Signs shall not exceed 12 square feet in area. <br />(2) Signs may not display any advertising matter or logo. <br />(3) Signs may not be illuminated. <br />(C) Off-Premise Religious Facility Signs <br />(1) Signs shall identify the name and/or location of a religious facility. <br />(2) Signs shall not exceed six square feet in area and may not be illuminated or <br />contain moving parts. <br />(3) Signs must be placed on a legal lot of record and the applicant shall provide a <br />notarized statement from all owners of property allowing the off-premise sign to <br />be erected on their property. There shall be only one off-premise religious facility <br />sign permitted per parcel and a maximum of two per intersection. <br />(4) The placement of a off-premise religious facility sign shall be treated as an <br />accessory use of property. <br />(D) Special Event Displays <br />(1) Signs or banners shall not exceed 32 square feet in area. <br />(2) All displays must be located outside of the right-of-way and have approval of <br />property owners when located on private property. <br />(3) Pennants <br />(a) Pennants may be displayed during the special event to attract attention <br />but only within 30 feet of the principal area where the special event is <br />occurring. <br />32