Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br />Section 5.5: Standards for Residential Uses <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-44 <br />(c) Where bulk containers are used, there must be at least one four cubic <br />yard bulk container for every 16 individual spaces, which shall be <br />emptied weekly. Within the HP-CZ district, parks with fewer than 16 <br />spaces shall be required to provide one container. <br />(d) Bulk containers shall be front loading wherever practicable. A side- <br />loading container may be allowed where a front-loading container is not <br />feasible and the property is accessible to a regular route of a side- <br />loading refuse collection vehicle. <br />(e) Where bulk containers are provided, a six inch reinforced concrete pad <br />shall be provided to set the set container and also support the front <br />wheels of the truck during the loading operation. The pad shall be 10 <br />feet in width and 20 feet in length with at least 10 feet of the pad <br />accessible for the truck to drive onto in front of the dumpster container <br />for front loading pickup. If side loading containers are used, the pad may <br />be 12 feet in width and eight feet deep with no projection for the truck <br />wheels. <br />(f) Bulk refuse containers (dumpsters) shall be screened in accordance with <br />the provisions of Section 6.8.9 of this Ordinance. <br />(11) Operations <br />Each applicant shall submit to the Orange County Planning Department tenancy <br />rules and regulations governing the operation of the Home Park. <br />(12) Recreation Areas and Facilities <br />Recreation areas shall be provided in accordance with the Land Use Intensity <br />System included in Sections 6.3 and 7.11 of this Ordinance. <br />(13) Buffers and Landscaping <br />(a) All spaces must be located at least 100 feet from any property line, not <br />including street right-of-ways, regardless of the zoning district. The <br />disturbance of land within the 100 foot buffer is prohibited. <br />(b) Existing vegetation within the 100 foot buffer must be retained and <br />additional plantings may be required to meet the Type F buffer <br />standards, established in Section 6.8.6 of this Ordinance, along the <br />perimeter of the site. <br />(c) Spaces must be set back 40 feet from a public street right-of-way. The <br />disturbance of land and existing vegetation within the setback area is <br />prohibited and additional plantings may be required to meet the <br />standards for a Type C buffer. <br />(14) Utilities <br />(a) All utility installations shall comply with applicable building and health <br />codes of Orange County and the State of North Carolina, and the <br />requirements of the North Carolina Utilities Commission. <br />(b) Temporary Residential Unit utility services shall meet applicable State of <br />North Carolina Building Code and HUD requirements. <br />(c) An adequate and safe potable water supply shall be required from either <br />a municipal or public water system. When a municipal or public system is <br />not available, the mobile home park must be serviced by a supply <br />approved in accordance with State and local regulations. <br />(d) An adequate and safe method of sewage disposal shall be required. <br />Collection systems, sewage treatment facilities, or individual septic tank <br />systems shall be approved in accordance with State and local <br />regulations. <br />29