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DRAFT <br />wonderful but it can be hateful and divisive. She urged the board not to be concerned that this is a slippery slope that 222 <br />will lead to other regulations. 223 <br />224 <br />Latarndra Strongaddressed the board. She said she is with Hate-Free Schools Coalition, which workedto remove 225 <br />symbols of hate from the Orange County Public Schools. The coalition was startedbecause a huge flag was flown on 226 <br />the back of a truck and driven into a school parking lot. When the size becameso large that a normal person could 227 <br />not ignore it, she felt like it wasimportant to do something for the students who did not want to see it as their school. 228 <br />The issue for her was she felt that large flags should be regulated on public property until these large flags started to 229 <br />be erected alongside roadson private property.She said she would be opposedto a large flag if it held different 230 <br />content such as ahuge retail symbol. She said the regulation is about keeping our community neutral and safe. She 231 <br />supports the amendment. 232 <br />233 <br />Nan Fulcheraddressed the board. She said planners restrict outdoor advertising and other signage and banners. 234 <br />She thinks this proposed amendment is logical and preserves freedom of speech. 235 <br />236 <br />Randy Marshall asked if there was anyone else who did not sign up who would like to speak. There was no one. He 237 <br />invited planning board comments. 238 <br />239 <br />Laura Nicholson said as a representative of the Eno Township and as a member of the Nicholson family, she would 240 <br />like to speak. She has family members of multiple races and viewpoints and her vote is going to be content neutral 241 <br />but reflect howwe feel about multiple flags hanging on one property. 242 <br />243 <br />Paul Guthrie said he supported the previous statement. He is distressed that this is a divisive issue. He has family 244 <br />members who have served in the armed forces going back to the American Revolution. He was educated in several 245 <br />states and he is distressed that there are people stirring up divisivenesson this issue and he advised that the 246 <br />gentleman who came from Sanford to speak would be better off speaking to the board of commissioners in Sanford. 247 <br />Paul Guthrie said he will vote in support of this ordinance amendment. 248 <br />249 <br />Adam Beeman said he did some research today and found these proposed regulations are not out of the ordinary for 250 <br />other jurisdictions. 251 <br />252 <br />Michael Harveysaid that this will only be applicable within Orange County’s planning jurisdiction and not within the 253 <br />town or city jurisdictions. 254 <br />255 <br />MOTION by Hunter Spitzer to recommend that the Orange County Board of Commissioners approvethe UDO text 256 <br />amendment. Seconded by David Blankfard.257 <br />VOTE:Unanimous258 <br />259 <br />AGENDA ITEM 8:ADJOURNMENT260 <br />261 <br />MOTION by Paul Guthrie to adjourn the meetingat 8:22 p.m.after reconvening the ORC and addressing the rest of 262 <br />the items on that agenda. Seconded by Adam Beeman.263 <br />VOTE:Unanimous264 <br /> ____________________________________265 <br /> Lydia N. Wegman, Chair266 <br />267 <br />14