Orange County NC Website
Approved 3/7/18 <br />Craig Benedict said we have underdeveloped economic development zones that have been on the maps since the 276 <br />1980s. He said the railroad company won’t let anyonecross the economic development areaat Buckhorn so it can 277 <br />only be accessedat the ends. There is also interest in exploring creating mobile home parks in these areas.278 <br />279 <br />Lydia Wegman asked Craig Benedict do you think you’ll be coming with ideas we might be able to consider. Craig 280 <br />Benedict said yes and he can explain to the new Planning Board members why the county does things a certain way.281 <br />Sometimesthe county makessome changes. We have probably the heaviest reliance on residential property tax and 282 <br />lowest reliance of retail sales of anywherearound. Some of the sales taxes gained by the county goes back to 283 <br />municipalities. The state formula for sharing sales tax revenue changed around 2008, to the county’s detriment. 284 <br />285 <br />Adam Beeman asked whatthe big hang-up iswith drive-thruwindows. Craig Benedict answered at one point it was 286 <br />the idling of the cars causingpollution. Staff suggested standards of drive-thrus with location and noise. They are 287 <br />allowed in some areas of the county and not in others. He thinks that needs to be addressed again. 288 <br />289 <br />BuddyHartley asked if it wastimeto reevaluate the Efland area.Craig Benedict said that was mentioned in the 290 <br />SWAT analysis. We’re seeing more interest with water and sewer in the Efland area. There’s a lot of work that’s been 291 <br />done. 292 <br />293 <br />294 <br />AGENDA ITEM 8:ADJOURNMENT295 <br />296 <br />Meeting was adjourned by consensusat 8:30 p.m.297 <br />____________________________________298 <br />Lydia N. Wegman, Chair299 <br />300