Agenda - 02-08-2005-3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-08-2005
Agenda - 02-08-2005-3
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8/29/2008 10:04:43 AM
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Since the late 1990's, BOCC goals and staff workplans have reflected the creation of some <br />of the pending additional elements of the Comprehensive Plan. With the formation of the <br />ERCD in early 1999, the Plan elements of Natural Areas and Water Resources (in <br />conjunction with Planning) were assigned to ERCD for coordination, and the planned update <br />to the Parks Element was also to be coordinated by ERCD (in conjunction with Recreation <br />and Parks and Planning). <br />However, activity on other fronts — such as Lands Legacy and park design, among other <br />projects — kept staff from proceeding with these additional Comprehensive Plan elements. In <br />January 2004, staff prepared a memorandum to the Board outlining an idea for moving <br />ahead with and accomplishing these and a few other elements. <br />In general, the January 2004 memorandum suggests that the interest of time and a more <br />concise, user- friendly document would be served by combining some of the proposed <br />elements into one "super-element" of the Comprehensive Plan. The individual elements <br />such as Parks and Water Resources would become component "chapters" of this document, <br />along with other linkage sections that referenced the many inter - relationships with the rest of <br />the Comprehensive Plan that exist, Ironically, a check of Marin County, California found that <br />Marin had also come to a similar conclusion — grouping together previous documents into a <br />few comprehensive combined elements, such as a Built Environment (land use, <br />transportation and other related tropics) Element and a Natural Systems elements (biological <br />resources, water resources, climate, open space and trails, agriculture). <br />If the Board decides that this approach is desirable, the attached proposal would break the <br />Natural and Cultural Systems Element into two phases — one in 2005 -06 and a second <br />phase to follow in a subsequent year. Phase 1 would include completion of the Natural <br />Areas component (as this has been underway for a few years by the Commission for the <br />Environment), the Parks component and a proposed Agricultural component (as requested <br />by the Agricultural Preservation Board in a memo to the Board last year). Phase 2 would <br />include the remaining linkages sections, along with Water Resources, Air Quality and <br />Cultural Resources (including an update of the 1992 Historic Preservation Element). <br />The proposed process suggests the creation of a Natural and Cultural Element Oversight <br />Committee, or EOC. As a whole, this group would meet 3 -4 times per year to review <br />progress on the individual components and provide a sounding board for ideas and <br />discussion. <br />Subcommittees from this EOC would then be comprised to work with staff on the individual <br />components. Since the Natural Areas component is already advanced to a draft stage, this <br />is proposed to be completed first, followed by the creation of a Parks Chapter Subcommittee <br />to develop the Parks component, and subsequently an Agricultural Subcommittee for that <br />chapter. Opportunities for public input have been built into the early, middle and latter stages <br />of the component preparation, <br />Because of the amount of work to be accomplished and the other ongoing projects, staff <br />believes that two phases will be needed to accomplish this major undertaking. The proposed <br />timetable could result in a public hearing on the draft Natural Areas component Chapter in <br />November 2005, the Parks Chapter in August 2006, and the Agricultural Chapter in <br />November 2006. ERCD staff would take the lead in coordinating the creation of these <br />chapters, with assistance from Recreation and Parks (Parks Chapter) and Soil and Water, <br />
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