Orange County NC Website
1 MINUTES <br />2 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT <br />3 JUNE 12, 2017 <br />4 REGULAR MEETING <br />6 MEMBERS PRESENT: Karen Barrows (Vice Chair) <br />7 Matt Hughes <br />8 Barry Katz <br />9 Susan Halkiotis <br />10 <br />11 * MEMBERS RECUSED FOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST: SAMANTHA CABE (CHAIR) <br />12 <br />13 STAFF PRESENT: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor <br />14 Elaina Cheek, Board Secretary <br />15 <br />16 AGENDA ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER <br />17 <br />18 Karen Barrows called the meeting to order <br />19 <br />20 AGENDA ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />21 <br />22 Matt Hughes: Well the only additions I just wanted two things I would like to have Michael update us on <br />23 which is the lawsuit that was filed and also this legislation which a county commissioner had sent to me last <br />24 week and I have had the opportunity to read it. But what the impact was and my understanding was it <br />25 would give some people a path and change some of the criteria that might more easily attainable and also 1 <br />26 had a question about Chair and Vice Chair and when we pick those. I was never clear on the term of our <br />27 leadership of the board was. <br />28 <br />29 Michael Harvey: If it pleases the board I can answer these 3 question very quickly. So let's answer the last <br />30 question first. Board Chair and Vice - Chair, We will be selecting Board Chair and Vice -Chair at the next <br />31 meeting it is typically is done in June and serves for a year. Given the fact that we don't have full <br />32 compliments it would be best if we wait until the next regular meeting. Which at this juncture, no I don't <br />33 know when that is going to be. My best guess is August or September and that is where you all would elect <br />34 to appoint a new Chair and Vice - Chair. You do have a full board at this juncture. Dr. Katz was reappointed <br />35 and then two alternates have been appointed. Both attorneys. <br />36 <br />37 Matt Hughes: Was I ever upgraded to a full member <br />38 <br />39 Michael Harvey: Yes <br />40 <br />41 Matt Hughes: Okay <br />42 <br />43 Michael Harvey: You now have full status. The lawsuit, there are two separate appeals. One is over the <br />44 November decision made by this board and one is over the March decision. The attorney for Ms. Brewer <br />45 decided not to combine both cases. So they are being processed independently from one another. <br />46 <br />47 Matt Hughes: But the same property. <br />48 <br />