BOA agenda 041618
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA agenda 041618
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/24/2018 2:25:48 PM
Creation date
4/24/2018 2:16:53 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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622 <br />623 Neese - Brown: And the name of the individuals or family or registery? <br />624 <br />625 Unidentified Male: The three last headstones that existed were J. Luke Bivens, died 1856; Joanna Bivens, <br />626 1847; and William Bivens, 1845. If there's any relatives for these people still around, I'd be very surprised. <br />627 That's the details, at least what Orange County has on the website. <br />628 <br />629 Chairwoman Cabe: Does the staff have any response to the requested revision with regard to the <br />630 easement? I have some concerns but I'll wait to hear your response. <br />631 <br />632 Michael Harvey: It goes without saying that we have recommended language calling for perpetual <br />633 easement, perpetual access. Ms. Brown and I had two to three discussions about her concerns and her <br />634 client's concerns about how that could be construed as being inconsistent with the statutes primarily with <br />635 Ms. Brown's nightmare scenario that if the cemetery is ever abandoned consistent with the applicable state <br />636 law, by state law there would still be this perpetual access easement. And the modification to that perpetual <br />637 access easement technically constitutes a modification to the Special Use Permit, compelling the American <br />638 Legion to come back before the Orange County Board of Adjustment to modify the SUP. In that vain, while <br />639 1 had expressed to Ms. Brown misgivings about the elimination of the easement, I understood the concern <br />640 and acquiesced. As I indicated at the beginning of this meeting, these revised conditions did not cause me <br />641 as much heartburn as they had originally since Ms. Brown and I had discussed them. <br />642 <br />643 Chairwoman Cabe: I have concerns about including a perpetual easement because I worry that if they are <br />644 unidentified graves, how do we identify the individuals who will have this easement. And if we make it <br />645 broader than the relatives of the individuals in this cemetery, is that not in essence a taking of property. <br />646 Would that not sort of be a condemnation action, if the county is requiring giving up property rights and it's <br />647 not for a specific ....we know three people in the cemetery but we do not know who the others are, so how <br />648 do we identify the recipients of the easement? I know that's compound. Forgive me. <br />649 <br />650 James Bryan: That's ok because I do not know the answer. I don't think it would be a taking. I think it would <br />651 be a provision same as any other easement is a provision. <br />652 <br />653 Chairwoman Cabe: But access easements are required by the UDO and /or by state law but an easement <br />654 to an abandoned cemetery is not required by any of our statutes. Is that correct? <br />655 <br />656 James Byran: I presume that if you place a condition for an easement it's pursuant to one of the standards <br />657 of evaluation. You're saying to protect the public welfare, this is necessary. You might, I'm just presuming, <br />658 you don't want people to park on 54 and randomly walk across this parcel to find this gravesite. That might <br />659 cause traffic concerns. So you want an easement so people know where to enter for the gravesite. So that <br />660 way, there is a basis for it. If there is it not a basis for it as a standard of evaluation, then there should not <br />661 be a condition placed on it. <br />662 <br />663 Neese - Brown: If I could speak to that. Because the UDO does not require that we have an easement plus <br />664 the legislature has determined the means by which anybody who owns property privately addresses a <br />665 cemetery on their private property, it seems to me that the requirement, the suggestion that there is a <br />666 reason to have a perpetual easement in excess of what we are required to statutorily is troublesome. It also <br />667 seems to me that unless you require everyone who has a cemetery on private property to provide a <br />668 perpetual easement, then you maybe have unequal treatment of applicants. The condition as it originally <br />669 written, it appeared to be an easement that was directed toward a particular population and it was a <br />22 <br />
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