Orange County NC Website
574 long -term problem. That's the logic on the cemetery piece. The logic on Number 10 is that as you noticed in <br />575 your packet, (it was a cut and paste on a tower project when it got in there), the language has simply been <br />576 tweaked to contemplate that we would get the permits required at the time that they are required. One of <br />577 the permits listed is actually the building /solid waste management permit. To require the solid waste permit <br />578 before the land disturbance could cause a problem. So, we simply asked the staff to tweak that. And I'm not <br />579 aware that there is any disagreement between us and the staff as to any of the conditions as they are now <br />580 corrected. As I read 6 and as 8 and 10 are corrected. <br />581 <br />582 Susan Halkiotis: You mentioned the cemetery was sold out of the family at some point. Do we know when? <br />583 <br />584 Neese - Brown: I don't know. I think we had, and I can Bill Munsee speak to it since I'm here merely as an <br />585 advocate and am not competent to tell you about it. I know is we've had somebody look at it. <br />586 <br />587 Bill Munsee: Yeah. I did some research on the gravesite and came up with the name of the person. <br />588 <br />589 Susan Halkiotis: I'm interested, particularly because some discussion might take place whether to establish <br />590 an easement versus follow the NCGS Section 65 -101. I'm curious how long that property has been out of <br />591 the family. <br />592 <br />593 Bill Munsee: can you speak to that? <br />594 Chairwoman Cabe: IF you have not been sworn in, could you come up and be sworn in. Would anyone <br />595 object to that? <br />596 <br />597 Unidentified Male: My wife and I visited the gravesite when the Post was looking at the property initially. <br />598 The enclosure, I would estimate, is a little larger than the size of this room. My wife went on the website <br />599 and pulled from Orange County records, I believe, that there are about 23 graves. Only about 3 of them <br />600 have names. They are from the 1840s and 50s. These are not recent or modern graves. There are no <br />601 headstones. We found a report that there were only 3 that disappeared in the 1970s after a fraternity <br />602 initiation ceremony. The only indication of graves are quartz rock, blockstone, that are marking the graves <br />603 head and foot. There are a few other depressions that you could possibly recognize as graves. Other than <br />604 that, that's it. It didn't look like anybody had been there for a couple of years. I don't know. There were a <br />605 couple of beer bottles there. I can't remember the names. But there were three and their deaths were in the <br />606 1840s and 50s. <br />607 <br />608 Susan Halkiotis: My question is when that property was sold out of the family. <br />609 <br />610 Unidentified Male: I don't know. It's in the county records. Bill (Munsee) has a copy and you (another <br />611 Legion person) inherited a copy. <br />612 <br />613 Neese - Brown: If it would help to refresh your recollection to look at this copy, I'm happy to give this to you <br />614 so you can speak from it. And we can enter it into the record. <br />615 <br />616 Unidentified Male: There was a survey by three individuals in October 1976. The site was visited in 2006 <br />617 through the courtesy of the landowner. Perhaps 25 graves. <br />618 <br />619 Neese - Brown: This is the report you took off the internet? <br />620 <br />621 Unidentified Male: Yes. <br />21 <br />