BOA agenda 041618
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA agenda 041618
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/24/2018 2:25:48 PM
Creation date
4/24/2018 2:16:53 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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526 Neese - Brown: If I could move that the application for the Class B Special Use Permit which was submitted <br />527 on behalf of the American Legion contains what I consider to be proper parcel identification numbers for the <br />528 property. The address of the subject property as listed appears to be an error. My motion is that be deleted <br />529 from the application and that the substitute would be to identify these numbers by their PIN numbers which <br />530 1 believe to be a completely adequate description of the property in light that there is not a street address <br />531 for it. Mr. Harvey, if there is something else you'd like me to add to it? <br />532 <br />533 Michael Harvey: Just for clarification, this is Page 12 of the application package amended in the record. <br />534 <br />535 Neese - Brown: With an amendment to Page 12 to reflect that change. <br />536 <br />537 Seconded by Motion by Karen Barrows, seconded by Susan Halkiotis. <br />538 <br />539 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />540 <br />541 Neese - Brown: Thank you very much. The only other information we would have, except the information <br />542 which you've already received, is I'm happy to talk with you about the two conditions that we have asked to <br />543 tweak. If it's appropriate to do that now, I'm happy to do that. <br />544 <br />545 Chairwoman Cabe: Did Mr. Wehmann have something to add? <br />546 <br />547 Neese - Brown: He has testified before you earlier and I believe that is adequate. <br />548 <br />549 Chairwoman Cabe: Alright. For the record, the board is receiving from staff a revised Attachment 5 that <br />550 includes the recommended revisions to the conditions. So, prior, to going through staff recommendations, 1 <br />551 do believe it would be in order to hear from Ms. Brown the basis for her requested revisions to ...We have <br />552 already heard from her regarding Condition Number 6 ... but also hearing from her regarding Conditions <br />553 Number 8 and 10. <br />554 <br />555 Neese - Brown: I'm happy to explain that to you. Let me start by saying that as we have been back and forth <br />556 with conditions that we agree to all the other conditions that were included in the packet. That tweak to <br />557 Number 5 that is now Number 6, we've read that into the record. On Condition Number 8, there is a <br />558 cemetery that under the statute is called an abandoned cemetery on the site. It is a private cemetery that <br />559 has been sold out of the family. There are thousands upon thousands of them in North Carolina on various <br />560 properties. There is a statutory provision on who, when and how someone can visit a cemetery that's on <br />561 private land. That statute contemplates that people who are relatives of the deceased and people who are <br />562 doing particular research with regard to old graves can approach the owner of the property and if the owner <br />563 gives permission for them to go out, then the people can go out on the property and check the graves. If for <br />564 some reason the private property owner doesn't give permission for them to do so and a person feels that <br />565 they have to have access, there is actually a procedure in the statute to follow a special proceeding in court <br />566 to give them means to go out. What happens as a practical matter, is that when someone does come out, <br />567 the property owner generally protects themselves from liability, and the Legion is very comfortable working <br />568 with people as the statute contemplates if someone wants to see the cemetery. We are not aware that <br />569 there has been visitation at the cemetery in a number of years. We were concerned that giving a perpetual <br />570 easement to the cemetery on the property was (a) requiring the Legion to do more than the statute requires <br />571 and (b) creating a situation where there is a perpetual easement to a gravesite that no one cares to visit. It <br />572 seemed from a liability perspective on their part that if we agree to a condition to follow the statute then <br />573 that's acceptable. And by not creating an easement that runs with the property forever, we don't create a <br />20 <br />
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