BOA agenda 041618
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA agenda 041618
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/24/2018 2:25:48 PM
Creation date
4/24/2018 2:16:53 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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432 Michael Harvey: I just want to clarify for the transcriptionist that the previous speaker was Bill Munsee, who <br />433 had spoken previously and was duly sworn. <br />434 <br />435 Chairwoman Cabe: Thank you. <br />436 <br />437 Johnny Wehmann: I am a local real estate broker here to offer an opinion of the effect of value on adjacent <br />438 land. I've been a licensed real estate broker since 2005. The majority of my transactions do deal in land. <br />439 I'm from Chapel Hill and I grew up here and I'm enjoying my business here in the area. When we look at <br />440 the American Legion's current site and look and see its immediate adjacent neighbors include four very <br />441 dense residential subdivisions and a senior care home. And they have a baseball diamond at their current <br />442 location. I think they've worked in good harmony with the neighbors around them. And they were there <br />443 before a lot of that residential came and moved in around them. I think it's a testament to how they have <br />444 operated in the past and a testament to the property values surrounding it. The fact that the Town of <br />445 Chapel Hill is now going to purchase their 32 acres for over $7 million is a testament to how they have <br />446 cared for that portion of the property and the surrounding land. In terms of the site on 54, when you look at <br />447 being in harmony with the area and you look at that strip on 54, you are not without other types of event <br />448 facilities. You've got Carrboro Community Park, Rock Quarry Farm, Barn at Valhalla, Rigmor House, <br />449 Snipes Farm Retreat and it would be my professional opinion that these types of event centers and whatnot <br />450 have not had a negative effect on surrounding property values but have perhaps enhanced the value of <br />451 properties along that corridor. I would be remiss not to mention alternative uses for that property such as <br />452 you are familiar with the agro- tourism type of use. I think the neighbors would see a lot more benefit from <br />453 this use than from some of the alternatives. I think it's worth mentioning that this is just the front part of the <br />454 property and on the back half of the property, they do intend to maintain the farming element. It will <br />455 maintain a lot of the current use. At about $7,900 per acre for our contract price, I do think it's a premium <br />456 and it's going to be a benefit to adjacent and nearby landowners who go to sell their tracks of 50 and 200 <br />457 acres. It will be a very valuable comp for them to have as a resource. We did compete for the property. <br />458 There was another bidder at the time that we went under contract. We did outbid them. So again, we feel <br />459 that there is a premium being paid on the property which will be valuable to adjacent land owners. Since <br />460 the Barn at Valhalla, since the Manships purchased that in 2014, according to the Triangle MLS, within two - <br />461 mile radius, the residential properties have seen an increase per square foot of 29 percent since 2014. And <br />462 within a five -mile radius, there's been an increase of about 17 percent in price per square foot. So, I think <br />463 that's what I have for you guys. I'm happy to answer any questions. <br />464 <br />465 Neese - Brown: In your capacity as a real estate broker, do you give opinions as to the value of property? <br />466 <br />467 Johnny Wehmann: I do. That is a regular part of my job, for whether it be lenders, appraisers, landowners <br />468 who need opinions about value. Unfortunately, not every piece of business do I get, so I'm out in the field a <br />469 lot giving my opinion. <br />470 <br />471 Neese Brown: I would ask that the board receive Mr. Wehmann as a person who is qualified to testify on <br />472 whether the intended use of the property would enhance the value of the property. <br />473 <br />474 Chairwoman Cabe: Do I have a motion to accept Mr. Wehmann as an expert qualified to testify on the <br />475 enhancement or detriment to the value of contiguous property as well as whether the proposed uses are in <br />476 harmony with the area where it is to be locate? <br />477 <br />18 <br />
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