BOA agenda 041618
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA agenda 041618
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Last modified
4/24/2018 2:25:48 PM
Creation date
4/24/2018 2:16:53 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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336 County ordinance. And the applicant has agreed to do that. So to the extent that the noise affected a <br />337 neighbor, we are agreeing at all times to comply with that. So that means if there is ever a ball field and a <br />338 ball game, we would have to do that under the conditions. The fireworks condition that we agreed to used <br />339 to be 5 and is now 6 in the ordinance. Mr. Harvey had accepted the one that was submitted but I had not <br />340 seen it and I had not seen it before it was submitted and I tweaked it a bit. And I think, Mr. Harvey, that you <br />341 were comfortable with the language that we had proposed there. It's Condition 6 on the green sheet. And <br />342 that condition, although I had asked that we re -write it to be slightly different with language I thought was <br />343 more appropriate with the ordinance. I had asked that we add back Veterans Day because that had been <br />344 dropped inadvertently. And the language we had asked for tweaking was: <br />345 <br />346 "Fireworks usage on site shall be restricted to Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day." <br />347 And then it would go on to say, "Proper state and local permitting shall be obtained prior to firework activity. <br />348 Communication with the community will be made by a website or other similar medium prior to fireworks <br />349 being used on site." I asked that language be substituted for what is here. (When asked by Chairwoman <br />350 Cabe, she re -read the language.) <br />351 <br />352 Randy Herman: Presumably, because the noise condition is a separate condition from the fireworks <br />353 condition, even on those days they have to comply with the noise ordinance? <br />354 <br />355 Neese - Brown: Or be permitted to have a special exception for fireworks which is what happens with <br />356 fireworks. Anywhere you have fireworks, you have sound in excess of anyone's ordinance you happen to <br />357 be dealing with at that time. When you go get your permit, that's your exception to the noise ordinance for <br />358 that one special occasion. And it's a day when people in the community expect to hear such noises — the <br />359 days we're restricted to are those kinds of days. <br />360 <br />361 Chairwoman Cabe: Let me just make sure I have this wording correct. "Proper state and local permitting for <br />362 any firework usage shall be obtained prior to firework activities." I'm having trouble reading my own <br />363 handwriting... <br />364 <br />365 Neese - Brown: It's a little different from what I said but it's an improvement, so let's keep it. <br />366 <br />367 Chairwoman Cabe: OK. "Communication with the community shall be made via website or other similar <br />368 medium prior to fireworks being used on site." <br />369 <br />370 Randy Herman: Your proposed wording would take out the 30 -day prior notice? <br />371 <br />372 Neese - Brown: I did take that out and the reasoning was, that sentence may be different from what we <br />373 had ... my concern when I was grappling with the language submitted by someone else on behalf of the <br />374 applicant... My concern was that the Special Use Permit runs with the land and what happens in time may <br />375 be different. 50 years from now, I won't be here to care. But it may be that we won't be using websites <br />376 anymore. It may be that we will be doing this completely differently. I wanted the language to be broad <br />377 enough to cover the passage of time and a change in the way we do things and yet restrictive enough that <br />378 the permitting has to be in place and that appropriate communication has to go out. That was what was in <br />379 my head when I made those changes. <br />380 <br />381 Chairwoman Cabe: Do any other board members have questions before we move on? <br />382 <br />383 Karen Barrows: Page 62, Number 17, and Page 65, solid waste, <br />16 <br />
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