Orange County NC Website
193 department. As I noted before, the old cemetery. We've asked that they record the cemetery and mark it <br />194 and create a registry and provide some sort of an access easement so if the family wants to visit the <br />195 graves, they can. As you can see, the only real disturbance of any environmental features is there is no <br />196 way to get to the site without crossing at least one stream. And there are limits of disturbance working <br />197 around steep slopes or major topographical features. This is a blow -up of the meeting hall facility. There is <br />198 a main meeting hall with a multi - purpose room and some smaller components to it. This shows, as required <br />199 by our ordinance, the distances from the nearest residences. You can see the nearest home is quite far <br />200 away. This a phasing plan. The issuance of our Type B Special Use Permit, you have to specifically call out <br />201 the phases if you want to phase the plan. Phase 1 would be the building and Phase 2 would be the <br />202 potential athletic field. This shows the basic topographic features. Basically, this is the high point, where the <br />203 farm field is, utilizing that and taking in things like the pond, the streams. A site analysis map showing slope <br />204 types. Of course, most of the steeper slopes around the streams and in the flood plain. This shows the <br />205 additional landscaping. I don't know if this will necessarily be the entire landscaping but they are providing <br />206 landscaping trees as required for the off - street parking. You come in from the entry, go through the sort of <br />207 circular pattern through the parking lot, this area here would contain flagpoles so they can do outdoor <br />208 ceremonies. These are your typical site plan details showing tree protection fencing, basic requirements. <br />209 These are elevations and text talking about basic design concepts for the building, scale, light plan showing <br />210 photo metrics showing the outdoor lighting meets our ordinance, general internal layout. With that, I'll open <br />211 it up to the applicant for their discussion. <br />212 <br />213 Chairwoman Cabe: Thank you. Besides, Ms. Barrows, do any other members of the board have questions? <br />214 Ms. Barrows, ask your question and then we'll ask any other questions at this time. <br />215 <br />216 Karen Barrows: On Page 8, in the first section, 2.5, it says the construction of a telecommunication facility, <br />217 <br />218 Patrick Mallett: I think that's incorrect...... <br />219 <br />220 Michael Harvey: It is incorrect in your abstract. It is correct in the conditions. <br />221 <br />222 Chairwoman Cabe: Are there any other questions for Mr. Mallett? (There were none.) At this time, I'll call <br />223 on Mr. LeAnn Nease- Brown, representing the applicant? <br />224 <br />225 LeAnn Nease Brown: Thank you, Madame Chair. I will be calling witnesses to present to you. As the board <br />226 is aware, the state bar determined several years ago determined that in these kinds of proceedings it is <br />227 appropriate to have counsel because there are matters that are a practice of law to which I may need to <br />228 refer. For the most part, the Board of Adjustment needs to hear from my experts about the project and what <br />229 it looks like and how it works. I am here representing and very proudly representing Post Number 6 of the <br />230 American Legion. We're not going to have everyone from the American Legion speak but would everybody <br />231 that is here from the Legion stand. We are very proud to be bringing this group from Chapel Hill into <br />232 Orange County. Here with me is Commander Bill Munsee. I don't know that he will need to testify but he is <br />233 sworn in if he does. And without further ado, let me turn to Richard Gurlitz, with Gurlitz Architectural Group, <br />234 who is going to tell you what you want to hear, which is about this project. <br />235 <br />236 Richard Gurlitz: I'm Richard Gurlitz and I've been duly sworn. Patrick did a pretty good job of going <br />237 generally over what the entire program is for the project. One thing I did want to point out is there are two <br />238 parcels of property and all the drawings up on screen are really just the top part. There is a whole other <br />239 piece. This is about 60 acres and the other piece is about 60 acres. The other piece does have the <br />240 cemetery on it. So, we're just dealing with this upper part. There is the entry from 54 which goes through a <br />13 <br />