145 Chairwoman Cabe: Have you been sworn in?
<br />146
<br />147 Patrick Mallett: I have.
<br />148
<br />149 Chairwoman Cabe: Thank you.
<br />150
<br />151 Patrick Mallett: I'm going to walk you through the basic description in the packet and you can ask questions
<br />152 as I go along. So, the first part of this is the abstract, Pages 1 -10 of the packet. It has the typical format,
<br />153 aligning the process with sections in our UDO, the applicants, owners, consultants. In this case, the
<br />154 applicant is the contract purchaser of Mr. Ray's property. Parenthetically, they recently sold their property in
<br />155 Chapel Hill and are looking to relocate and this is the ideal site for them for the long term. The site is
<br />156 located off N.C. 54. It's approximately 2,300 feet from White Cross Road and N.C. 54 intersection. This
<br />157 gives you the basic zoning information and site characteristics. And I'll get to that. The surrounding uses,
<br />158 with the exception of Barn of Valhalla which is almost across the street, kitty corner, most of the uses are
<br />159 single - family residents, farm fields and undeveloped property. Normally, if the American Legion were to
<br />160 purchase this property and wanted to build a fellowship hall, that would be allowed. It's the added step of
<br />161 wanting to do additional things and wanting additional outside uses like sponsoring a Boy Scout troop and
<br />162 providing an athletic field for some type of athletic play, having the event hall to be used for other purposes,
<br />163 puts it in a different category and requires the Special Use Permit. The rest of this just goes through
<br />164 findings and where you can find different attachments. This property is 128 acres, plus or minus. It contains
<br />165 two parcels. This one if the front parcel and this is the rear. Primarily, there are no existing structures. It's
<br />166 been used as a farm field. There is an old cemetery contained within this wooded area here. It's on a bit of
<br />167 a knoll. One of the conditions addresses that cemetery. The other notable features is that along 54 here,
<br />168 there is a large culvert that goes under the highway here, this area shaded in blue is in the flood plain. And
<br />169 there are stream buffers that come through the property. As you see on the site plan, they are avoiding all
<br />170 of those areas. Attachment Number 2, is their complete application package that is contained in Pages 12-
<br />171 47. This checks off all the pieces they are required to submit for a Special Use Permit. Attachment Number
<br />172 3 is the NIM. As you are probably aware, you have to have a neighborhood information meeting as part of
<br />173 the Special Use Permit process. The gist of that meeting was that there were representatives of the
<br />174 American Legion, one adjacent neighbor, the owner /operator of Barn of Valhalla. The discussion centered
<br />175 on any intrusions and noise from fireworks affecting Barn of Valhalla. It was a healthy discussion. Staff
<br />176 comments, Pages 58 through 77. By and large, from all departments, there were no significant issues,
<br />177 recognizing that there will be additional permits. Basically, with the Special Use Permit, this allows them to
<br />178 apply for site plan and development permits for that property with that use. They would still have to get site
<br />179 plan approval, a zoning compliance permit, various permits with Environmental Health, the well and septic.,
<br />180 NCDOT permits and so on and so forth. This is the beginning step of that. Number 5, we'll go into greater
<br />181 detail later, is the Findings of Fact. This will go blow by blow through the general findings. I'm going to go
<br />182 through the site plan very quickly. OK, cover page, basic site information. Tells you where the site is
<br />183 located. As I indicated before, this area over here is all in the flood plain. This area in red is additional
<br />184 streams and water features. This is the overall site plan. It denotes one entry road off N.C. 54 to be
<br />185 reviewed by NCDOT. It has provisions for a plus or minus 16,600- square foot meeting hall with off - street
<br />186 parking around the front of the facility. These are the septic areas that could theoretically support septic for
<br />187 this type of facility. They envision an athletic field here, largely for daytime activities but with light fixtures for
<br />188 dusk hours. Visions for, in Phase 2, a caretaker's facility so someone can stay on the property and maintain
<br />189 it. Some locations for RVs, not for long -term stay, but if they are coming to the post from out of state, they
<br />190 can park the RV. The main thing of that is they will not have connections for septic or water or to charge
<br />191 batteries. And a pond over here both as an amenity and I think the general vision is to also use it as a
<br />192 stormwater device to help with stormwater runoff quality and potentially as a water source for the fire
<br />12
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