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Chairwoman Cabe: I will entertain a motion but I have a question of clarification. Has staff agreed to the <br />modifications or are these modifications that are subject to the board's approval? I know all modifications <br />are subject to the board's approval, but does staff with these modifications? Do we need to hear from the <br />parties on these? <br />Michael Harvey: You will hear from the parties on these. I have no objections to these conditions as Ms. <br />Brown and I discussed earlier today. <br />Chairwoman Cabe: Do I hear a motion from our board to accept the materials referenced by Mr. Harvey <br />into the record? <br />MOTION made by Karen Barrows to accept the materials into the record <br />Seconded by Susan Halkiotis. <br />Chairwoman Cabe: Thank you. We'll accept the materials referenced by Mr. Harvey into the record in this <br />matter. <br />Michael Harvey: Madame Chair, one last item of business before we begin, I would like the board to <br />entertain a motion to enter a copy of the current Unified Development Ordinance into the record as part of <br />these proceedings. <br />James Bryan: If I may, I don't see it's necessary but it might create more of a record later on. <br />Chairwoman Cabe: We have not done that in the past, I don't think. Is there any particular reason why you <br />are requesting the board do so? <br />Michael Harvey: The chief reason is it establishes in perpetuity the ordinance as it existed at the <br />time this Special Use Permit was reviewed by the Board of Adjustment. <br />Chairwoman Cabe: Alright, do I have a motion? <br />MOTION to accept the Unified Development Ordinance as it exists today into the record made by Matt <br />Hughes. Seconded by Randy Herman. <br />VOTE: Unanimous <br />Chairwoman Cabe: The ayes have it, so we will allow a copy of this into the public record on this matter. <br />Matt Hughes: Just to be clear on everything, we didn't take a vote on the previous motion. <br />Chairwoman Cabe: Alright, backing up to the previous motion to allow the materials referenced by Mr. <br />Harvey into the record, all those in favor of admitting those into the record, please signify by saying aye. <br />(unanimous) Any opposed? (0) <br />VOTE: Unanimous <br />Patrick Mallett: I am Patrick Mallett, Planner II with the Orange County Planning Department. <br />"i <br />