Agenda - 02-08-2005-2b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-08-2005
Agenda - 02-08-2005-2b
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8/29/2008 10:04:36 AM
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-3- <br />itself from the possible situation where all the hours in the day (24) are claimed as work <br />time. <br />Such an employee could be permanent full time or permanent part time (regularly <br />scheduled at least 20 hours each workweek) or the employee could be temporary part <br />time regularly scheduled 15 hours a week or less. <br />If the employee were permanent full time, he or she could be assigned all of the duties <br />on the Attachment 1 list as well as possible additional duties. If the employee were <br />permanent part time, the duties list could be tailored to this. If the employee were <br />temporary part time 15 hours or less, then the duties could be limited to such functions <br />as those shown in Items 5 - 14 on the Attachment 1 list. <br />I have not included a temporary full time or temporary part time with hours greater than <br />15 hours per week employee as an option because the caretaker functions are on- <br />going in nature and are not seasonal or short term. (County policy provides that a <br />temporary employee may continue on an indefinite basis if regularly scheduled for 15 <br />hours or week a less each week since such an appointment is not eligible for employee <br />benefits.) <br />Option B - Tenant Only <br />This option would provide for a landlord/tenant relationship only. With this the tenant <br />would occupy the residence, pay rent and perform those functions specified on <br />Attachment 1 as "For the Residence." It would provide for a physical presence in the <br />residence but not for the other caretaker duties. If the Board desired, it could authorize <br />another Recreation and Parks position to address the other needs and duties. <br />I have not included "independent contractor" as an option. I do not believe this is an <br />option based on the: <br />Applicable law and regulations, <br />Duties to be performed, <br />The control the County needs and desires over these functions and <br />On-going nature of the relationship. <br />5. Impacts <br />Option A- Resident Caretaker as County employee <br />o As a permanent full time position, achieves the coverage objectives and <br />accomplishes the duties, if it can be filled satisfactorily. <br />o As a temporary part time 15 hours or less each workweek position, <br />provides for needed evening and early morning coverage, even though
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