Orange County NC Website
New Business: <br />(A) Nuisance Provisions for Cats in Unified Animal Ordinance: Bob Marotto gave a brief history, prior to the <br />Ordinance, of the definition of a nuisance cat and the regulation of cats who were observed "off- property." <br />He also explained the rationale for developing current code that distinguished cats from dogs and used <br />language from Carrboro's code. Irene Phipps described the nature of complaint calls about nuisance cats <br />and her communications with various complainants about violations of the Ordinance. There is already <br />language in the Ordinance that refers to habitual behaviors of the cat that are in violation. Complainants <br />do question what are the measure and proof for "habitual." The current enforcement includes <br />administrative penalties in incrementally increasing amounts from$100 -$300; impoundment; and the <br />implied authority of the Ordinance to remove the animal from Orange County. There is a perceived need to <br />address nuisance cats causing displaced aggression of another cat toward a human or other animal while <br />also better defining "habitual" and "at large." A working definition of "nuisance" could be explored in <br />terms of interfering in the reasonable use and enjoyment of one's property. This needs to be accomplished <br />under the guidance of the Co. Attorney. Additional discussion will be brought to future meetings. <br />(8) 2017Statistical Highlights: Andi Morgan gave a report of animal control statistics for 2017. Majority of <br />calls are for bites and stray animals. This is consistent with most years. There is slight increase in bite/ <br />exposure or neglect. Statistics by township and shelter statistics were presented, including increases in live <br />releases (90% adjusted) and historical decreases in intake (4486 to 2740) in spite of a growing population <br />during same time period (2005- 2017). Adoptions are up with 1707 for the year. Euthanasia outcomes are <br />reduced to 379 (highest was 2008 at 2089). <br />(C) Animal Services Updates: Valentine's Day Special was ongoing for February. Spay and Neuter Day is the <br />27tH Work on the continuation budget means no increases in requests for expenditures and that any <br />increases in costs for staffing have to be absorbed. Some monies have been shifted to offset costs. <br />Outside agency funding is possible. Bob Marotto met with Adult Care Home Advisory Committee <br />representative regarding pet placement in adult care homes. Coyote information has been offered. WHUP <br />interviews are planned on different subjects. There has been a cat cafe inquiry. Proposed fee schedule <br />increases were presented. Warren Porter made a motion to support the fee increases as presented; <br />seconded by Beth Grooms. The motion carried without dissent. <br />Information Items (made available): <br />(A) Monthly Sheltering Statistical Reports, Jan 2018 <br />(8) Monthly Field Service Statistical Report, Jan 2018 <br />Adjournment and next meeting: <br />Michelle Walker made a motion to adjourn at 8:15pm; Judy Miller seconded. Motion carried without dissent. <br />The next meeting is March 21, 2018 at 6:30 pm, Orange County Animal Services Center. <br />Minutes taken: <br />Victoria Hudson <br />