Orange County NC Website
Orange County Animal Services <br />1601 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />919 - 942 -PETS (7387) <br />ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (ASAB) <br />6:30 to 8:30 p.m. <br />Wednesday, February 21, 2018 <br />Meeting Summary <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Maureane Hoffman (Chair), Molly Mullin (Vice- Chair), Judy Miller, Warren Porter, Michelle <br />Walker, Beth Grooms, and Victoria Hudson <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Susan Elmore, Edmund Tiryakian, Diane Obeid, and Heather Payne <br />STAFF PRESENT: Bob Marotto (Animal Services Director), Andi Morgan (Assistant Animal Services Director), and <br />Irene Phipps (Animal Control Manager) <br />GUESTS PRESENT: Jack Donovan <br />Call to order: 6:33pm <br />Review and adoption of the Agenda: Michelle Walker made a motion to approve the agenda tabling the discussion <br />for Abuse /Neglect Charges for Surrendered Animals; seconded by Judy Miller. The motion carried without dissent. <br />Summary of January 28, 2017 meeting: Molly Mullin made a motion to approve the Summary; seconded by Warren <br />Porter. The motion carried without dissent. <br />Review of public participation guidelines: Molly Mullin described the guidelines to the guest. <br />General Public Comments on items not on the agenda: Mr. Jack Donovan made a presentation: a matter of policy <br />clarification. He would like clarification of various definitions of Unified Animal Ordinance Section 4 -37, including <br />vagaries and omissions. He also provided suggested edits to Section 4 -37 and 4 -42. <br />Animal Services Advisory Board Updates: Beth Grooms position on the Hearing Panel Pool expires March 31, 2018. <br />Beth Grooms accepted a nomination to continue for another term. Michelle Walker made a motion to appoint Beth <br />to the Hearing Panel Pool; seconded by Judy Miller. Motion carried without dissent. <br />Bob Marotto reported on some outside agency funding application requirements. An outside funding review is <br />required for a particular funding opportunity. The ASAB needs to appoint three members of the board to conduct <br />the review. Judy Miller, Victoria Hudson, and Beth Grooms volunteered. <br />Old Business: <br />(A) ASAB Communication About Animal Services Property Easements: Maureane Hoffman reported on the <br />letter of comment that was sent to the OCC. She received a timely response from Commissioner <br />Jacobs. The communication demonstrated a mutual frustration that Duke Power has not shared their <br />plans yet. The impact to the operations of the OCAS It is not known until the easement construction is <br />known. Bob Marotto reported that OC Asset Management Services is in contact with Duke Power. He <br />will gather more information for the next meeting. <br />(B) Abuse /Neglect Charges for Surrendered Animals: Tabled until March meeting. <br />