Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6E30952E- 74C9- 4C59- B050- B1AE415FDFED <br />Exhibit A: Project Specifications for Sewer Line Cleaning and Video Recording <br />The project area may contain a number of deep manholes that may be difficult for insertion and <br />placement of a sled or track mounted camera. The selected Contractor shall have specialized camera <br />units available for these difficult to access situations. All cameras shall be suitably compact to navigate <br />around minor pipe protrusions and debris, such as protruding taps. <br />Once the successful Contractor has been notified to begin work, please note that time is of the <br />essence and work on this project should commence as soon as possible and continue without <br />interruption until the project is completed. <br />PLEASE LIST ANY AND ALL VARIANCES AND CLARIFICATIONS BELOW <br />