Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6E30952E- 74C9- 4C59- 8050- B1AE415FDFED <br />Exhibit A: Pr je t Specifications for Sewer Line Cleaning and Video Recording <br />Overview <br />It is the intent of t ese specifications to provide enough information for a Contractor with the <br />proper equipment to clean the gravity sewer lines and produce a video (DVD) after cleaning that shows <br />the condition of the inside of the lines. <br />For this project, Orange ( <br />• A map of the lines <br />• A water source, lik+ <br />the lines to be cler <br />• Coordination with <br />station operations <br />• Coordination with i <br />the City of Meban( <br />• Notification to all tf <br />place. <br />The Contractor will be ex <br />gravity sewer lines of the <br />will be responsible for mail <br />sewer work requirements. <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />Cleaning <br />This project consists of <br />three (3) phases as foil <br />• Phase 3 — app <br />• Phase 4 — app <br />• Phase 5 — app <br />ounty will supply the following: <br />o be cleared — Exhibit B <br />ly a hydrant on the Orange Alamance Water System (OAWS) in the vicinity of <br />ied. <br />ind by our sewer maintenance entity, the City of Mebane, to control pump <br />;uch that they do not interfere with your sewer cleaning operation. <br />ie City of Mebane to allow the disposal of waste from the cleaning process at <br />Wastewater Treatment Plant at no charge. <br />Efland Sewer customers that line cleaning and video recording will be taking <br />lected to provide all equipment and labor to clean and video the specified <br />;wer system, as described more completely below. The selected Contractor <br />taining a safe working environment and adhering to all confined space and/or <br />ning and videoing (CCTV) 8" gravity sewer lines. The project is divided into <br />tely 7,300 linear feet <br />tely 5,000 linear feet <br />tely 5,900 linear feet <br />Some of the lines to be leaned are off -road, in cross - country easements. These easements will be <br />cleared prior to cleaning and will be passable, i.e. stumps will be cut to ground level and overhanging <br />limbs will be removed, bu there is no "road" along the easement. Contractors interested in bidding the <br />project are encouraged tc investigate the project area beforehand and bid accordingly. <br />Water for cleaning will be supplied by Orange County, most likely from a nearby hydrant. The hydrant <br />does not belong to Orange County, but rather to the Orange - Alamance Water System (OAWS). There <br />will be no charge to the contractor for the:water used, but the contractor will need to coordinate with <br />OAWS to get a water meter installed on the hydrant they will use and record the amount of water used <br />and will need to coordinate the withdrawal of water with OAWS directly. <br />Sewer line cleaning shall a performed to remove foreign material from the sanitary sewer lines for clear <br />viewing of the interior surface of the pipe during the video inspection and restore the pipe to at least 95% <br />original capacity_ <br />Conditions discovered in t e pipe, such as protruding pipes, blockages, roots, etc. that can be removed <br />by conventional means, e g. cutting, should be removed by the Contractor as part of the performance of <br />