2018-125-E Planning - Transstate LLC Phase 3+5 Sewer Cleaning
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2018-125-E Planning - Transstate LLC Phase 3+5 Sewer Cleaning
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Last modified
7/31/2018 4:47:04 PM
Creation date
4/23/2018 1:52:51 PM
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Contract Document Type
Agreement - Services
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R 2018-125 Planning - Transstate LLC SewerCleaning
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\Contract Routing Sheets\Routing Sheets\2018
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6E30952E- 74C9- 4C59- B050- B1AE415FDFED <br />b. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance - Comprehensive General Liability Insurance shall be <br />carried in the following amounts; One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) bodily injury each person, One <br />Million Dollars ($1,000,000) property damage. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance shall <br />include Premises nd Operations Liability, Independent Contractors Liability, Contractual Liability <br />and Completed Operations Liability, and will also contain a provision for °u" (underground) <br />hazard liability. <br />c. Automobile Liability Insurance - Automobile Liability Insurance shall be carried in the following <br />limits: One Million Dollars ($1,0Q0,000) bodily injury each person, One Million Dollars <br />} <br />($1,000,000) b iy injury each accident, One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) property liability. <br />Automobile Liaiili Insurance shalli cover liability arising out of the use of owned, non -owned and <br />hired motor vehicl s. <br />The cost of all 1 ns�,rance shall be included in the price(s) bid <br />The Contractor shall not commence'work until he has obtained all the insurance required herein. <br />Insurance shall be maintained in i;ull force and effect until the Contract has been fully and <br />completely performed, as evidenced by final acceptance payment. Contractor shall provide <br />Certificate of In ur nce reflecting aforementioned coverages as proof of coverage. Certificate of <br />Insurance shall pr vide for a thirty (30) day written notice to the Owner in the event of any <br />modifications, cancellation, or expirTtion of said policies. <br />i <br />Work shall not commence until the contractor has obtained all required insurance and the owner <br />has approved ve ify ng certificates of insurance in writing. <br />14.All contractors are hereby notified ithat they must have proper license under the State laws <br />governing their respective trades. Please display license number on your submittal. <br />15. Please supply a lis �f 3 commercial references with phone numbers and contact people. <br />16.A pre -bid site vi it i not seen as necessary by the County Engineer. By submission of a bid the <br />contractor ackn wl dges he /she fully understands the extent of the project. <br />17. Living Wage. rdbge County is committed to providing its employees with a living wage and <br />encourages agencies it funds to pursue the same goal. A copy of Orange County's Living Wage <br />Contractor Policy it included <br />18. HB786 imposes E- Verify requirements on contractors who enter into certain contracts with state <br />agencies and local governments. The legislation specifically prohibits governmental units from <br />entering into certai 9 contracts "unless the contractor and the contractor's subcontractors comply <br />with the requirer le ts of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the General Statutes." (Article 2 of Chapter 64 <br />establishes Nod h Carolina's E- Verify requirements for private employers). It is important to note <br />that the verifica ior� requirement applies to subcontractors as well as contractors. The new laws <br />specifically proh'bit governmental units from entering into contracts with contractors who have not <br />(or their subs have not) complied with E- Verify requirements. Complete the attached affidavit, and <br />include it with your submittal. <br />19. Please complete the attached Iran Divestment Act Certification Requirements And Include <br />With Your Sub itt l <br />
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