Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 04200055- 135C -4A55- 9126- 6985B56EAC9C <br />d. Provide medical treatment supervision of personnel by randomly responding <br />to EMS calls and observing the approach, demeanor, relationships, and <br />medical treatment provided to the patient and others by all responding <br />personnel including, Medical and First Responders, Fire, Law Enforcement, <br />Rescue, and EMS. <br />e. Facilitate a program of total quality management of patients addressing <br />compliance to protocol, standards of care, technician proficiency, <br />appropriate patient management, effectiveness of treatments and protocols, <br />evaluation for positive patient outcomes and other components of the <br />Orange County EMS system that occur from access through 911 to delivery <br />through the Emergency Department at the University of North Carolina <br />Hospitals or other appropriate location in accordance with applicable law or <br />policy. Provide ongoing recommendations to the Director of system needs <br />and changes necessary to implement and operate the patient total quality <br />management program. <br />f. Serve as the contact person for UNC Hospitals and receive complaints, <br />comments, or questions from the hospital's medical staff about out -of- <br />hospital emergency medical issues and consult with the Director or their <br />designee for resolution. <br />g. Assist the Medical Affairs Officer for the County's Department of <br />Emergency Services in general medical issues for HazMat, Fire, Rescue, <br />Law Enforcement, and others in providing coverage for special events, <br />planning for mass casualty, and other activities outside the routine EMS <br />tasks. <br />h. Serve as the medical director for the Emergency Medical Dispatch program <br />and perform the same functions for Communications as noted in sub- <br />paragraphs b, c and d. <br />i. Review data about the EMS System in Orange County and analyze activity <br />and trends through interpretation of various databases. <br />j. Provide weekly administrative time at the Department of Emergency <br />Services for consultation and review of medical issues with the Director. <br />k. Be available by telephone for twenty -four (24) hours a day medical <br />consultation. <br />1. Relate to all patients and staff of the County in a professional manner. <br />m. Provide medical consultation in accord with accepted methods and <br />procedures. <br />2 <br />Rev. 6117 <br />