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DocuSign Envelope ID: 764A29F1 -E414- 4251- 9AE2- 7ABF3F9D9344 <br />commitment of funds or site approval, and that such commitment of funds or approval may occur <br />only upon satisfactory completion of an environmental review. The parties further agree that the <br />provision of such funds to the project is conditioned on Orange County's determination to <br />proceed with, modify, or cancel the project based on the results of a subsequent environmental <br />review. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and <br />representations contained herein, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows: <br />I. USE OF BOND FUNDS <br />A. The Owner shall perform the projects or tasks related to its allocation of Bond funds as <br />provided in Exhibit B, Scope of Services and within the proposed budget outlined in <br />Exhibit C, Budget and as contained herein. <br />B. The Owner may not request disbursement of funds under this Agreement until the funds <br />are needed for payment of eligible costs. The amount of each request must be limited to <br />eligible costs as determined by Orange County staff. <br />C. Said funds shall be disbursed by the County to the Owner for performance of the services <br />described in Exhibit B by check made payable to the Owner. <br />D. Bond funds will be a fixed subsidy provided in the form of a deferred loan. <br />II. AMOUNT OF BOND FUNDS/ LOAN TERMS <br />A. Amount. The County shall make available to the Owner Project Funds in the amount of <br />up to Four Hundred and Seventy -five Thousand Seven Hundred dollars ($475,700) <br />in an at an interest rate of zero percent (0 %) pursuant to this Agreement. Said funds <br />shall be disbursed by the County to the Owner for performance of the services described <br />in Exhibit B. <br />1. The Orange County Affordable Housing Bond Loan funding will be provided to <br />Empowerment shall be as a fixed subsidy in the form of a zero interest deferred loan. <br />The investment will be secured by a forty (40) year Deed of Trust and Promissory <br />Note, forgivable at the end of 40 years. <br />2. The Deed of Trusts, recorded in the Orange County Registry, and Promissory Notes <br />shall constitute a lien on the Properties, subordinate only to the Declaration of <br />Restrictive Covenants, the form of which is attached as EXHIBIT D and described <br />more particularly in Section VI below, Affordability Requirements (hereafter <br />"Declaration "), with County as the secured party/beneficiary. <br />B. Said funds shall be disbursed by the County to the Owner for performance of services <br />described in Exhibit B. <br />