Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 764A29F1 -E414- 4251- 9AE2- 7ABF3F9D9344 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Property Description <br />PIN # 9788 -04 -6303: All that certain lots or parcels of land situated, lying and being on the <br />West side of Cole Street, a short distance South of the Town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and <br />known and designated as Lots 21 and 22 of Cole Heights Extension, as surveyed and plotted by <br />F.M. Carlisle on November 10, 1945, and more particularly described as beginning at a stake in <br />the West property line of Cole Street, the Northeast corner of lot No. 20, running thence with the <br />land of said lot North 84 degrees 35' West 125.5 feet to stake; running thence North 8 degrees <br />35' East 67 feet West to an iron stake, a corner of Cole Heights property; running thence with the <br />line of the said property South 73 degrees 55' East 126.2 feet West to a stake in the West <br />property line of Cole Street; running thence along the West property line of said street South 8 <br />degrees 35' West feet to the beginning. <br />This tract is known as 116 Cole Street. <br />PIN # 9788 -07 -1809: All that certain parcel or tract of land lying and being on the East Side of <br />Elm (now Bynum) Street, a short distance North of the Town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and <br />more particularly described as BEGINNING at a stake in the East property line of said street <br />established by measuring North 11 deg. West 135 feet from the Northeastern intersection of Elm <br />and Craig Streets; running thence North 86 deg. East 200 feet to a stake; thence North 11 deg. <br />West 81 feet to a stake; running thence South 86 deg. West 200 feet to a stake in the East <br />property line of Elm Street; running thence along the East property line of Elm Street South 11 <br />deg. East 81 feet to the BEGINNING, and being the same land conveyed to Johnnie Barbee by <br />deed of Artie Mae Cordal et als, dated June 10 1948, and recorded in the Office of the Register <br />of Deeds of Orange County in Book 131, at Page 281. <br />This tract is known as 606 and 608 Bynum Street. <br />14 <br />