Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> <br />Commissioner Jacobs said on April 27 the Justice Advisory Council (JAC) will be <br />sponsoring an inaugural local re-entry council meeting at Whitted, which will hopefully lead to <br />some federal funding to help those leaving incarceration. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is an update regarding the two railroads that have <br />jurisdiction over the Hillsborough train station. He said Jeff Mann, GoTriangle, offered to <br />gather information about this, and Commissioner Jacobs asked if Chair Dorosin would write a <br />letter requesting that Jeff Mann follow up on this issue. <br />Commissioner Jacobs encouraged the teachers of NC to be empowered by the <br />teachers in West Virginia and other states, who are going on strike for more pay. <br />Commissioner Rich referred to the information at the Commissioners’ places about the <br />Food Council. She said there is a need for increased education on the work of the Food <br />Council. She said securing funding for the Food Council is also a pressing need, and she <br />hopes that all governments will get involved to cover these costs. <br />Commissioner Rich said she was at the Governor’s Mansion last week for a “Women in <br />Power” day. He said the Governor is planning a report on the Economic Status of Women in <br />North Carolina in May. She said she signed up for one that is very specific to Orange County. <br />Commissioner Rich said in the future, Orange County should do more to celebrate and <br />acknowledge women’s history month in March, and suggested involving the Human Relations <br />Commission (HRC) in such a plan. <br />Commissioner Rich said there is a lot of information about kids vaping in schools, and <br />asked if the Health Department is addressing this in any way with the schools. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said the GoTriangle Board met last week, and discussed <br />three noteworthy items: <br />1.) the Transit Advisory Committee was appointed and all Orange County’s choices <br />were appointed; <br />2.) there was a presentation from the Hartsook companies, an international fundraising <br />company that GoTriangle hired to explore how to raise the money indicated in the <br />cost share agreement. He said the Board was supposed to listen, and determine <br />whether to award a contract to this company. He said the consultant was very <br />confident that raising the money is a doable task, and he was asked to proceed. <br />He said $30-35 million was already raised through in-kind donations, primarily from <br />the universities; <br />3.) a presentation about bicycle and pedestrian connections that will be built around <br />the stations. <br />Commissioner Price said while at the National Association of Counties (NACo) <br />conference, the National Association of Black County Officials (NABCO) passed a resolution <br />dealing with pretrial justice and release. She said Orange County has done a lot in the area, <br />but NABCO suggested that each member bring the blue sheet at the Commissioners’ places <br />back to their counties for consideration to be passed, and forwarded to the state level. <br />Commissioner Price referred to the lavender sheet, and said April is National County <br />Month. She said NACo offered this sample resolution. She said NACo’s initiative this year is <br />“serving the underserved,” and perhaps the County might like to highlight what it is doing with <br />fair housing, the Family Success Alliance, etc. <br />Commissioner Price said she also attended the Women’s History month gathering in <br />Raleigh, and looks forward to seeing the data that is gathered. <br />Commissioner Price said this is a week of remembrance for Martin Luther King, and <br />tomorrow marks 50 years since he was assassinated. She said the country has come along <br />way, but still has a long way to go. <br />Chair Dorosin said he received a letter from the Chapel Hill Carrboro Chamber of <br />Commerce, a hand out at the Commissioners’ places, requesting that a Commissioner or a