Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> <br /> Katie Murray, Orange County Arts Commission Director, reviewed the following <br />information: <br />Fred Joiner is a poet and curator living and creating in Chapel Hill, NC. His work has <br />appeared in Callaloo, Gargoyle, and Fledgling Rag, among other publications. Fred has read <br />his work nationally and internationally. Joiner is a two-time winner of the Larry Neal Award for <br />Poetry and a 2014 Artist Fellowship Winner as awarded by the D.C. Commission on the Arts <br />and Humanities. Most recently, one of Joiner’s poems recently won the Smithsonian’s National <br />Museum of African Art’s Divine Comedy Poetry Contest, in response to Konate’s textile work. <br />As a curator of literary and visual arts programming, Joiner has worked with the American <br />Poetry Museum, Belfast Exposed Gallery (Northern Ireland), Hillyer Artspace, Honfleur Gallery, <br />Medina Galerie (Bamako, Mali), the Phillips Collection, the Prince Georges African American <br />Museum and Cultural Center, the Reginald F. Lewis Museum and others. He is the co-founder <br />of The Center for Poetic Thought currently based at the Monroe Street Market in Washington, <br />DC. Joiner is a Board Member of The American Poetry Museum and the Orange County Arts <br />Commission. <br />Fred Joiner read one of his poems. <br /> <br />2. Public Comments <br /> <br />a. Matters not on the Printed Agenda <br />Gary Williamson said he wanted to speak on the flag ordinance, which he is <br />against. He said all people are different, and for an elected body to decide what people <br />can and cannot do on their own personal property is wrong. He said he is supportive of <br />everyone’s heritage, and his is southern. He said his friend wants to put up a flag to <br />support their southern heritage, and this is his right. He said 32 people are preparing to <br />put up flags in Orange County, and these people do not feel the need to speak out to <br />the BOCC, as raising flags on private property is their right. He said the BOCC should <br />think carefully about any actions it takes, and this is a very touchy subject. He said the <br />people desiring to raise these flags and support southern heritage, are not filled with <br />hate. <br /> <br />b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br />(These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br />below.) <br /> <br />3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br />Commissioner McKee had no comments. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said the fence on the bridge on Orange Grove Road has been <br />successfully installed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for a follow up report on the status of a program to <br />encourage monarch butterflies on County owned properties. He said he believed he petitioned <br />about this before, and he would like this added as an information item. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said the Chapel Hill North-South Bus Rapid Transit (N-S BRT) <br />policy committee reconvened recently, and spent time talking about a connection with <br />Hillsborough. He said it was decided not to go on I-40, but on new NC-86. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said the Solid Waste Advisory Group (SWAG) met last week for <br />the first time in a year, and he and Commissioner Marcoplos attended. He said there was <br />discussion about moving up in priority the recycling of food waste. He said they are at 62% in <br />waste recycling, which leads the state.