Attachment B. Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board of Education FY2018-19 Budget Request and CIP
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Agenda - 04-24-2018
Attachment B. Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board of Education FY2018-19 Budget Request and CIP
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4/20/2018 8:44:37 AM
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4/20/2018 8:25:05 AM
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Agenda - 04-24-2018 Joint Meeting with School Boards
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AGENDA ITEM # 2 <br />ATTACHMENT B <br />that teacher assistants do not work on the majority of in- service days prior to the start of school. <br />Opportunities for teacher assistant professional development are limited. Our most recent <br />attempts to provide training in restorative practices, technology, and special populations (English <br />language learners and exceptional children) were lost due to inclement weather. We recommend <br />that the Board restore five teacher assistant professional days at an estimated cost of $231,700. <br />Classified Local Hiring Supplement (Strategic Plan Human Capital Goal): Years of stagnant <br />wages for school employees have resulted in many district positions being below market rate, <br />especially at the entry level. Combined with low unemployment, many classified positions <br />remain unfilled, including technology positions, bus driver positions, and all categories of <br />maintenance positions. The district currently offers classified employees a 5.5% local <br />supplement after they have completed their first year of employment. It is recommended that we <br />implement a 4.5% local supplement for all newly hired classified employees at an estimated cost <br />of $200,000. <br />Maintenance Budget Shortfalls (Strategic Plan Organizational Structure Goal): Other essential <br />operational costs have continued to experience inflationary increases over the past several years <br />while our budgets have remained flat. A variety of areas including refuse removal, municipal <br />fees, and maintenance service contracts (HVAC, Fire Systems, & Security) are now routinely <br />running deficits which ultimately requires us to redirect funding designated for other purposes. <br />Our budget request includes $133,000 to fund these operational budgets lines. <br />Middle School Behavioral Support Program (Strategic Plan Whole Child Goal): The district <br />does not currently have a program to support students at the middle school level in need of an <br />alternative setting due to significant and externalizing emotional behaviors. We are <br />recommending establishing a district -wide program at one of our middle schools. This program <br />will focus on providing supports and interventions to ensure that students can access the <br />curriculum and engage in learning activities. The program will require a certified exceptional <br />education teacher and 2 teacher assistants, in addition to needed supplies to start up a classroom. <br />We recommend that the Board request funding for the middle school behavioral support program <br />at an estimated cost of $158,500. <br />Mental Health Professionals (Strategic Plan Whole Child Goal): High Schools have requested <br />additional funding for mental health professionals in our schools. These positions would help <br />identify, assess, arrange for and/or provide services to students in need of mental health <br />treatment and support. Depending on the specific needs of each school either school <br />psychologists or clinical social workers would be hired to provide additional mental health <br />services and support. We recommend that the Board request funding for 3 mental health <br />professionals at an estimated cost of $219,000. <br />Fund Balance <br />We currently estimate our fiscal year end unassigned fund balance at $6.9 million which is <br />approximately $2.7 million above our target of 5.5% or $4 million. The district historically has <br />assigned $1 million to balance the budget. Over the past few years, that amount has varied as the <br />Board and district navigated the recession and funding uncertainties. Our budget <br />recommendation includes the historically assigned $1 million. We recommend reserving the <br />3 <br />
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