Attachment B. Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board of Education FY2018-19 Budget Request and CIP
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Agenda - 04-24-2018
Attachment B. Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board of Education FY2018-19 Budget Request and CIP
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4/20/2018 8:44:37 AM
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4/20/2018 8:25:05 AM
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Agenda - 04-24-2018 Joint Meeting with School Boards
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AGENDA ITEM # 2 <br />ATTACHMENT B <br />Middle School Gifted Specialists (Strategic Plan Whole Child Goal): Prior to the start of the <br />2016 -17 school year, the number of middle school gifted education specialists (GES) were <br />reduced from four to two. Although approximately 30% of middle school students are identified <br />as academically or intellectually gifted (AIG), each school is now allotted .5 GES. Our current <br />instructional focus is on shoring up core instruction to ensure we are meeting the academic needs <br />of all students. Through providing on -going differentiation support to teachers, developing and <br />supporting the implementation of differentiated education plans and working directly with <br />students, GES play a significant role in ensuring AIG students grow academically. Having a full - <br />time GES at each school would provide a much - needed structure to improve AIG service <br />delivery and allow administrators to build teacher capacity in differentiation by leveraging the <br />GES's expertise. We request funding to hire two additional specialists at an approximate cost of <br />$164,944. <br />Elementary Teacher Assistants (Strategic Plan Human Capital Goal): Over the past several <br />years, state cuts have been made to the teacher assistant allocation. Despite redirecting local <br />f coding to offset state reductions, we were eventually forced to make cuts to elementary teaching <br />assistants at the upper grade levels (Grades 4 and 5). We once provided 1 teacher assistant for <br />every 2 classrooms, whereas now we can only provide 1 teacher assistant for every 4 classrooms. <br />While schools have been managing, the reduction in upper grade teacher assistants has created <br />hardships in many areas including creating barriers to support classroom instruction. Reduced <br />support levels impact our teachers' resources to provide small group instruction, participate in <br />professional development, and receive adequate planning time. Principals also have to balance <br />competing needs and, at times, have moved Grade 3 teacher assistants to cover upper grade <br />classrooms based on the needs of the students. This reduces support for Grade 3 teachers and <br />students during the critical "Read to Achieve" year. <br />In 2016 -17 the Board also approved the elimination of each elementary school's media assistant <br />position due to local budget shortfalls. At the time our principals felt this reduction was <br />manageable and would not result in media center schedule changes or closures. Our Director of <br />Digital Learning and Library Services worked with elementary principals and media specialists <br />to ensure that our media centers continued to have flexible access and that media specialists <br />received collaborative planning time. Teacher assistants were provided training to assist with <br />book checks and other media functions and our volunteers department has helped coordinate <br />additional support for the schools' media center. While these efforts have mitigated the loss, <br />challenges exist for some schools and students, especially with circulation. <br />We are recommending that the Board request additional funding for each elementary school to <br />receive a flex teacher assistant position. This position could be used to provide additional <br />classroom teacher assistant support or to provide media center support. Employees in these <br />positions would be required to be licensed bus drivers to provide additional support to <br />transportation staffing challenges. The total estimated cost for 1 I flex teacher assistant/drivers <br />totals $427,761. <br />Teacher Assistant Professional Days (Strategic Plan Human Capital Goal): During the great <br />recession, the district eliminated 5 days of employment for every teacher assistant. This means <br />2 <br />
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