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AGENDA ITEM # 2 <br />ATTACHMENT B <br />$2.7 million of undesignated fund balance for our major capital projects since construction costs <br />continue to increase rapidly and we have tremendous capital infrastructure needs. <br />Other Information <br />Last year, the Board approved a new policy that ensures all CHCCS employees are paid a living <br />wage. Employee wage increases were already implemented through the prior year's budget <br />process. The new policy also includes a provision for service contracts that have displaced or <br />may displace district staff. While legally we cannot require that contractors pay their employees <br />a living wage, we can ask for proposals to include it. We included this provision in our custodial <br />cleaning bids that were opened last spring and as part of our budget request to the County <br />Commissioners. Unfortunately we did not receive sufficient county funding and were unable to <br />implement this. We estimate that an additional $700,000 would be needed to fund a living wage <br />for custodial and child nutrition service contracts <br />Summary <br />The Superintendent's recommended budget includes continuation and expansion requests <br />totaling $4,592,136. After accounting for the inflationary increase to the special district tax and <br />for other revenue changes, the total additional funding request to the county would be <br />$3,136,849 or 2.93 cents on the tax rate. This would necessitate a $253 per pupil increase to <br />fully fund our request. <br />Our district continues to be grateful to the Orange County Commissioners for their strong <br />support of education. We will continue to be good stewards of our resources and maintain our <br />commitment to provide a quality education for all the students we serve. <br />Respectfully, <br />CHCCS Superintendent and Board of Education <br />4 <br />