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<br /> <br />more comprehensive and standardized sustainability tracking and reporting framework. The STAR Communities <br />program sets a national standard and protocol for local government sustainability reporting and will be used in <br />the future to analyze and report on the state of sustainability in Orange County. Utilities reductions will continue <br />to be tracked in this framework, and they will be driven by climate change and renewable energy goals. <br /> <br />County Utilities Reduction Tracking – Final Results <br /> <br /> • Energy <br />o The County has fallen short of our 30% energy reduction goal for FY17 achieving a 21.6% <br />reduction when compared to baseline year FY10. This is still notable progress. <br /> Early investments in energy efficiency projects made significant gains followed by a <br />period of levelling off. <br />• Water <br />o The County greatly exceeded our final reduction goals in water achieving a 39% reduction in <br />FY17, though the savings have varied from year to year. <br /> During this period, water-saving restroom fixtures and appliances have become more <br />available without losing efficacy, and our facilities have been updated to include them. <br />• Fuel <br />o The County did not meet our fuel reduction goals, though in recent years it has shown <br />improvement. Although FY17 shows a fleet-wide mpg above baseline by 7.6%, this is the best <br />performance since 2012. <br />o While the higher-than-standard average age of the County fleet is a contributing factor, the <br />most significant cause of this increased fuel usage has been increased service levels being <br />delivered by some of the County’s least efficient but most essential vehicles. <br />-50% <br />-40% <br />-30% <br />-20% <br />-10% <br />0% <br />10% <br />20% <br />FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17% <br />C <br />h <br />a <br />g <br />e <br /> <br />f <br />r <br />o <br />m <br /> <br />2 <br />0 <br />1 <br />0 <br /> <br />B <br />a <br />s <br />e <br />l <br />i <br />n <br />e <br /> <br />County Utilities Reduction: Goal vs. Trends <br />% Energy Reduction Goal <br />% Energy Reduction Actual <br />% Water Reduction Goal <br />% Water Reduction Actual <br />% Fuel MPG Increase Goal <br />% Fuel MPG Increase Actual <br />Final Update <br />2