Orange County NC Website
b. Size of parcel: 104.25 acres in area. <br />c. Zoning of parcels: Rural Buffer (RB), University Lake <br />Protected Overlay District (UNIV-PW), and Special Flood Hazard <br />Area (SFHA) Overlay District. The area of property encumbered <br />by the SFHA is approximately 30,000 square feet. <br />d. Township: Chapel Hill. <br />School District: The project is split between the Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro and Orange County School Systems. Please refer to <br />Attachment 2 for additional information. <br />Staff from both school districts indicate there is no issue with <br />respect to the issuance of a Certificate of Adequate Public <br />School Facilities (CAPS) for the project. <br />The applicants have indicated that they will petition to have all <br />new residences within the project assigned to the Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro School System. Chapel Hill-Carrboro School <br />administrators have been informed of the request and are <br />seeking guidance on its viability. <br />As of this date the County has received no formal response. <br />e. Future Land Use Map Designation: Rural Buffer. <br />f. Growth Management System Designation: Rural. <br />g. Joint Land Use Plan Designation: Rural Buffer – University <br />Lake category. <br />h. Existing Conditions/Physical Features: Varying topography <br />with heavy vegetation, primarily mixed hardwoods, throughout. <br />There are streams running through the property with varying <br />slopes. Stream corridor width varies from 120 feet to 250 feet. <br />The property is encumbered by floodplain along Dairyland Road. <br />i. Roads: Vehicular access to the parcel is through Dairyland <br />Road, a state-maintained road and Triple Crown Drive, a private <br />road that is in the process of being accepted by the North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) for addition to <br />the State maintained system. <br />j. Water and Sewer Service: The property is not located within a <br />primary public utility service area according to the Water and <br />Sewer Management Planning Boundary Agreement <br />(WASMPBA). <br />Proposed lots are to be served by individual well and septic <br />systems. <br />Surrounding Land Uses: a. NORTH: Triple Crown Drive, single family residences on lots <br />ranging in area from 3 to 10 acres all zoned RB and University Lake <br />Protected Watershed Protection Overlay District. <br />9