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Michael Harvey said Michael Neal proposed a pond for the worst case scenario, and <br />this may be reduced once the size of the homes being built is determined. He said the fire <br />marshal will continue to work with the neighborhood to make sure the conditions are met. <br />Commissioner Dorosin asked for clarification on the location of the 3 lots in the Orange <br />County school district. <br />Michael Harvey designated this on the map. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if there had been any communication from either of the school <br />districts. <br />Michael Harvey said both school districts have stated that issuing caps would not be a <br />problem at the appropriate time. He said the applicant has to make formal petitions to both <br />school districts to see if the transfer will be allowed. <br />Chair Jacobs said both school systems have to be involved. He noted that there are <br />issues with capacity. <br />Michael Harvey said Chapel Hill will need to decide if they want to assume <br />responsibility for three additional lots. <br />Commissioner Gordon said it was stated in the materials that staff feels it is unlikely <br />that CHCCS would accept the 3 additional lots. <br />Chair Jacobs noted that the restrictive covenants state that the neighborhood road is a <br />private road, but subsequent documents state that it is a public road. <br />Pat Mellott said that would be need corrected. He said this is a unique situation in that <br />the road has a private 50 foot right of way and a paved asphalt 20 foot section. He said it is <br />built to DOT standards, and it would remain a private road and would be maintained by a road <br />maintenance agreement. <br />Chair Jacobs said there are several Board members who are disappointed that the <br />covenants would not allow poultry in the sub - division. He noted that it is a trend in both towns <br />and especially suburban areas to allow people to have chickens. <br />Commissioner Price asked, in the event there are children in those three lots that will <br />be in the OCS system, how far they would have to ride on the bus to CHCCS. <br />Michael Neal said the bus would need to come in on Dairyland Road and exit the same way. <br />Commissioner Price asked what is to the west of this property. <br />Michael Neal said it is undeveloped land. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the decision to propose cul de sacs, and whether there was <br />no possibility of connectivity. <br />Pat Mellott said cul de sacs were the best option for being as environmentally sensitive <br />as possible. <br />Michael Harvey noted that there are houses and farms in the area that might have <br />been disturbed by a connectivity plan. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price for the <br />Board to: <br />1. Receive the Planning Board and Planning Director's recommendation on the <br />Preliminary Plat application for the Triple Crown Farm Subdivision; <br />2. Discuss the proposal as needed; and <br />3. Approve the Preliminary Plat as submitted and the Resolution of Approval contained in <br />Attachment 8. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />