Orange County NC Website
Form Revised 09-29-16 <br /> <br />for, and include additional permitted land uses within, the Home Park Conditional <br />Zoning District (HP-CZD). <br />Specifically staff is proposing to increase the maximum allowable acreage for a <br />Home Park to be 100 acres versus the current limit of 50 acres and allow for <br />government office(s) and parks within the HP-CZD district. <br />The purpose of the amendment is to allow for larger home parks within the County, <br />given density limitations, thereby increasing opportunities for additional affordable <br />housing, and allowing for the development of additional land uses within the HP-CZD <br />conditional zoning district. <br /> <br />2. Analysis <br />As required under Section 2.8.5 of the UDO, the Planning Director is required to: <br />‘cause an analysis to be made of the application and, based upon that analysis, <br />prepare a recommendation for consideration by the Planning Board and the Board of <br />County Commissioners’. <br />The County has begun investigating opportunities to develop affordable housing units <br />in the County. These units could be in addition to other existing, or proposed, County <br />operated facilities (i.e. government offices, parks, etc.) located on the same property. <br />Residential density (in AR, RI and RB zoning) in many parts of the county is relatively <br />low so in order to cluster density to ‘threshold’ numbers, a larger parcel is suggested. <br />Current regulations limit Home Parks to a maximum allowable area of 50 acres. Staff <br />is recommending increasing the maximum allowable land area that can be zoned <br />allowing for the development of a Home Park to 100 acres. <br />Further staff has determined parks and government facilities are not listed as <br />permitted uses of property within the HP-CZD. <br />The proposed amendment will address this issue by allowing for the possible <br />development of mobile home and recreational vehicle parks and government facilities <br />within the District. <br /> <br /> <br />3. Comprehensive Plan Linkage (i.e. Principles, Goals and Objectives) <br />Land Use Goal 6: <br />A land use planning process that is transparent, fair, open, efficient, and responsive. <br /> <br /> <br />4. New Statutes and Rules <br />Not applicable <br /> <br /> <br />C. PROCESS <br /> <br />a. TIMEFRAME/MILESTONES/DEADLINES <br />a. BOCC Authorization to Proceed <br />4