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determines otherwise in writing, ineligible costs will be treated as follows: <br />(1) In determining the amount of Federal/State assistance the Department will provide, the <br />Department will exclude: <br />kA Any Project oontincurnadbvtheGranteebeforntheofectivedotaofthegnant| <br />(b) Any cost that is not included |U the latest Approved Project Budget; <br />(o) Any cost for Project propeAvorsen/inesreceivedincoDDectionvvi1hathirdpadx <br />contract, sub-agreement, lease, or other arrangement that is required to be, but has <br />not been, concurred iDor approved in writing byFTA; <br />(d) Any non-project cnstcnnsisteDtVviththeprohibitionsof4SU.8.C.05323(h);und <br />(e) Any profit or fee sought by the recipient for its services under the Grant Agree, except <br />tothe extent determined byapplicable. <br />Ui Any cost ineligible for FTAparticipation as provided by applicable Federal/State |avve, <br />regulations, or directives. <br />/2\ The Grantee shall limit reimbursement for meals, lodging and travel to rates established by <br />the State nfNu hCmro|inoT[ave|Po|ioy. Costs incurred by the Grantee iU excess ofthese <br />rates shall be borne by the Grantee. <br />(3) The Grantee understands and agrees that payment to the Grantee on any Project onst <br />does not constitute the FederallState Government's final decision about whether that cost <br />is e||oVvab|e and eligible for payment and does not constitute o waiver oƒ any violation by <br />the Grantee of the terms of this Agreement. The Grantee acknowledges that the <br />Federal/State- Government will not make a final determination about the allowability and <br />eligibility of any cost until an audit of the Project hoebeenconnp|sted. |f the Federal/State <br />Government determines that the Grantee is not entitled to receive any portion of the <br />Federal/State ass ' istance the Grantee has requested or provided, the Department will notify <br />the Grantee iO writing, stating its reasons. The Grantee agrees that Project doseoutwi|| <br />not alter the Grantee's responsibility to return any funds due the Federal/State Government <br />as a result of later refunds, corrections, or other transactions; nor will Project doseoxte|te[ <br />the Federal/State Governments right to disallow costs and recover funds on the basis of a <br />later auditor other review. Unless. prohibited by Federal/State law orregulation, the <br />Federal/State Government may recover any Federal/State assistance funds made <br />available for the Project asnooeosarytonmtiofvanyoutatendingnnoneto[yc/8irnsthafthe <br />Federal/State Government may have against the Grantee. <br />Program Income <br />(1) State, Local, nr Indian Tribo|Governments. |n addition to uses of program income <br />authorized under C.F.R. Part 200.80, FTA reserves the right to permit the Department <br />to add program income to the funds FTA and the recipient have committed to that Grant <br />agreement and use that prograrn income for the purposes of and under the conditions of <br />the grant agreement. <br />(2) Institutions of Higher Education, private Non-Profit Organizations, and Private For Profit <br />Organizations. FTA reserves the right to permit a recipient to add the program income tn <br />the funds FTA and the recipient have committed to that Grant agreement and use that <br />program income to further eligible project or program objectives. <br />(3) Cost Associated With Program Income. Except to the extent FTA determines othemvi�ein <br />writing, the cost incident tnthe earning program income may be deducted from the <br />Recipient's gross income to determine program income, provided these costs have not <br />been charged to the Grant Agreement. <br />Federal/State Claims, Excess Payments, Disallowed Costs, including Interest. <br />(1) . Upon notification to the Grantee that specific amounts are <br />owed to the Federal/State Government, whether for excess payments ofFedereKGtmte <br />assistance, disallowed costs, or funds recovered from third pates or elsewhere, the Grantee <br />agrees to remit to the Department promptly the amounts ovvod' including applicable interest <br />and any penalties and administrative charges. <br />(2) Amount of Interest. The Grantee ogRaeo to nenn|t to the Department interest owed as <br />determined in accordance with N.C.G.G. 147-86.23. Upon notification to the Grantee that <br />05/2712015 Page 9u[37 <br />