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Section <br />a. General. The Department shall reimburse the Grantee for allowable costs for work performed under <br />the terms of this Agreement which shall be financed with Federal funds and/or State matching <br />funds. The Grantee shall expend funds provided in this Aomaannent in accordance with the <br />approved Project Budget(s), included as Attachment Ato this Agreement. It is Understood and <br />agreed that the work conducted pursuant to this Agreement shall bmdone oDan actual cost basis <br />by the Grantee. Expenditures submitted for reimbursement shall include all eligible cost incurred <br />within the Period Covered. The Period Covered represents the monthly nr quarterly tinnefnnnlein <br />which the Grantee, reports expenditures tu the Department, All payments issued by the Department <br />will be on o reimbursable basis unless the Grantee naquoata and the [)opadcAeUt approves -on <br />advance payment. The Department allows Grantees in good standing to request advance payment <br />(prior to issuing payment to the vendor) for construction projects, vehicles, and other high-cost <br />capital items. The Grantee agrees to deposit any advance payments into its account when <br />received and issue' payment to the vendor within 3.(thnep) business doyn. The amount. of <br />reimbursement from the Department shall not exceed the funds budgeted in the approved Project <br />Budget. The Grantee shall initiate and prosecute to completion all actions necessary to enable.the <br />Grantee to provide its share of project ooatsatorpriortothetirne.thadsuchfuDdoo[eneededtn <br />meet project coato. The Grantee shall provide its share of project costefronnnoVn:eoothe[thaD <br />FTA and State funds from the DepadDient. Any costs for work not eligible for Federal and State <br />participation ehaUbe financed one hundred percent (1 OO6/o)by the Grantee, <br />b. Administrative Expenditures. In order to assist the Grantee in financing the administrative costs of <br />the project, the Department shall reimburse the Grantee uptothe percentage specified in the <br />Approved Project Budget ofallowable administrative costs which ahu|| be determined by available <br />funding. <br />C. Operatinq Expenditures. In order to assist in financing the operating costs of the project, the <br />Department shall reimburse the Grantee for the lesser of the following when providing operating <br />assistance: <br />(1) The balance ufunnaoovanyd operating expenditures after deducting all farebox and other <br />operating revenues, or <br />C8 Up to the percentage specified in the Approved Project Budget of the allowable total <br />operating expenditures which shall be determined by available funding. <br />d. Payment and Reimbursement. The Grantee shall submit a request for reimbursement to the <br />Department for the Period Covered not more frequently than monthly, no[ |eea frequently than <br />quarterly, reporting on the Department's Uniform Public. Transportation Accounting System <br />(UPTAS) invoicing forms furnished by the Department for work performed Linder this Agreement. <br />Expenditures submitted for reimbursement shall include all eligible cost incurred within the Period <br />Covered. Failure to request reimbursement for expenses incurred within the Period Covered may <br />result in non-payment. All requests for reimbursement must be submitted within (30) days following <br />the end of the project's reporting period. Any Grantee that fails to submit a request for <br />� <br />neirnhVrmonnenLfor the ��ttwo quodensofagraennent�soa| year by January 31�oF the last two <br />quarters by July 30th will forfeit their ability to receive reimbursement for those periods. <br />Additional forms must be submitted with reimbursement requests fdreport on contracting activities <br />with Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE] fi[Dne. Invoices shall be, supported by <br />documentation of costs unless otherwise waived by the Department. All requests must be <br />s�ubrnitted within thirty (3O) days following the end of the quarter. Failure tm request PainobUnsenlant <br />for eligible projects costs as outlined may result in termination of the Project. /Dvmioea uhoU be <br />approved by the Department's Public Transportation Division and reviewed by the Department's <br />External Audit Branch prior topayment. <br />e. Indirect Cost or Central Service Allocation. Calculation uf` Indirect o[Central Service Allocations <br />will be consistent with the applicable US DOT common rules in 2 C.F.R. 200. These rates must be <br />approved by NCDOT PTD or cognizant agency prior to the beginning or the period of performance. <br />Approved rates will be retained as outlined in the SK8P. <br />[ Excluded Costs. The Grantee Onderstands,and agrees that, except to the extent the Department <br />05127/2015 Page 8of37 <br />