C8 ghfa N/C.G.S. 0 133-32 and Executive Order 24, of October 1, 2009, prohibit the offer to,
<br />or acceptance by, any State Employee of any gift from anyone with a contract with the State,
<br />or from any person seeking todo business with the State. By execution of this Agreement,
<br />Grantee attests, for its entire organization and its employees or agents, that it is not aware
<br />that any gift in violation of N.C.G.S. § 133-32 and Executive Order 24 has been offered,
<br />accepted, or promised hy any employees ofGrantee.
<br />b. Debarment and Suspension., The Grantee agrees tn comply, and assures the compliance ofeach
<br />thir'd party Grantee' sub-recipient, or lessee at any tier, with Executive Orders Nos. 12548 'and
<br />12088' (aee2 C.F.R. § 180) "Debarment and Suspension," 31 U.S.C. §G101 note. and U.G. DOT
<br />regulations, "Gove[n0ent-wide Debarment and Suspension (Non-procurement)," 49 C.F.R. Part
<br />29. The Grantee agrees to, and assures that its third party contractors, sub-reciplehts, and lessees
<br />will, review the Excluded Parties Listing System at (http:0ep|o.ernet.Onv0 before entering into any
<br />contracts.
<br />C. Bonus or Commission. The Grantee affirms that it has not paid, and agrees not to- pay, any bonus
<br />or commission to obtain approval Of its Federal/State assistance application for the Project.
<br />d. Lobbyinq Restrictions. The Grantee agrees that:
<br />(1) In compliance with 31 U.G.C. 1352/al, it will not use Federal assistance '
<br />to pay the costs of influencing any officer n[employee of Federal agency, K8mnnbar of
<br />Congresa, officer of Congress or employee of member of Congress, in connection with
<br />making or extending the Grant Agreement;
<br />(2) It will comply with other applicable Federal laws and regulations prohibiting the use of
<br />Federal assistance for activities, designed to influence Congress or a State legislature with
<br />respect to legislation or opprophatioDs, except through prnper, official channels; and
<br />(3) It will comply, and will assure the compliance of each sub-recipient, lessee, or third party
<br />contractor at any tier, with U.G. [)OT regulations, "New Restrictions on Lobbying," 49
<br />C.F.R. Part 20, modified as necessary by 31 U.S.C. G 1352.
<br />e. Political Activity. To the extent applicable, the Grantee agrees to comply with the provisions of
<br />ih-e Hatch Act, 5 U.S.C. chapter 15, a*n*d U.S. Office of Personnel Management regulations,
<br />"Political Activity of State orLocal Officers orErnp|oyaea,"5C.F.F<. Part 151. The Hatch Act
<br />limits the political activities of State and local agencies and their officers.and employees, whose,
<br />principal. employment activities are financed in whole or part with Federal funds including a
<br />Federal grant, cooperative agreement, orloan. Nevertheless, in accordance with 48U.G.C.6
<br />53O7/k1[2)/B) and 23U.G.C.§142(g). the Hatch Act does not apply toanonoupenvisory
<br />employee of a public transportation system (or of any other agency or entity performing related
<br />functions) receiving FTA assistance to whom the Hatch Act would not otherwise apply.
<br />t False or Fraudulent Statements or Claims. The Grantee acknowledges and agrees that:
<br />71\ Civil Fraud. The Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986' as amended, 31 U.S.C.
<br />3801 etaeq., and U,G. DOT regulations, "Program Freud Civil Romediex."48 C.F.R. Part
<br />31, apply to its activities in connection with the Project. ByexecutiDg.this Agreement for the
<br />Project, the Grantee certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement it
<br />has made, it makes, or it may make in connection with the 'Project. In addition to other
<br />penalties that may apply, the Grantee a.|so understands that ifit makes a false, fictitious, or
<br />`
<br />fraudulent claim, statement, submission, certificotion, assurance, or representation tothe
<br />Federal/State Government concerning the Project, the Federal/State Gove[nUoentresen/es
<br />the right to impose on the Grantee the penalties of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of
<br />1086,ae amended, toƒhe extent the FederaKGtote Government deernsappropriate.
<br />' /2\ . If the Grantee makes n fo|ne, fictitious, or fraudulent n|ainn' statement,
<br />submission, certiUcation, assurance, nr representation tu the FadereKStote Government or
<br />includes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation in any agreement with
<br />' the Federal/State Government in connection' with n Project authorized under 49 U.&C.
<br />chapter 53 or any other Federal |uvv, the Federal/State Government reserves the right to
<br />impose on the Grantee the penalties of 49 U.S.C. § 5323/0. 18 U.S.C. § 1001 or other
<br />applicabl& Federal/State lawto the extent the Federal/State Government deems appropriate.
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