2017-575 OPT - FY2018 NCDOT application for Section 5310 Public Transportation Grant
Board of County Commissioners
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2017-575 OPT - FY2018 NCDOT application for Section 5310 Public Transportation Grant
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7/23/2019 12:17:15 PM
Creation date
4/12/2018 11:13:32 AM
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10/18/16; 5-a
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R 2017-575 OPT - NCDOT - Public Transportation Grant Agreement - Section 5310
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resources included inry eligible hninc|uoioniUtheNatona|RooisterofUistohcPlace«thmt <br />may beaffected by the Project, andngrees to notify FTA of those properties that are affected. <br />C8 The Grantee agrees to comply with all applicable Federal regulations and directives to avoid <br />or mitigate adverse effects on those historic properties, exompttV,the extent the Federal <br />Government determines otherwise inwriting. <br />k. Indian Sacred Sites. The Grantee agrees tofacilitate compliance with the preservation of places <br />and objects of religious importance to A[nahoan |OdieDo' Eskimos, Aleuts, and Native Havvaiions, <br />in compliance with the American Indian Religious Fnswdono Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1088' and with <br />Executive Order No. 13OU7, "Indian Sacred 8itos,"42U.S.C. §1Q86 note, except to the extent the <br />Federal Government determines otherwise inwriting. <br />�Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Effects. Should the proposed Project cause or result in <br />adverse environmental effects, the Grantee agrees to take all reasonable measures to minimize <br />the impact of those adverse effects, as required by 49 U.S.C. § 5324(b), and other applicable <br />Federal /avvo and regulations, including 23 C.F.R. Part 771 and 49 C.F.R. Part 022. The Grantee <br />agrees to comply with all environmental mitigation measures that may be identified as <br />commitments in applicable environmental documents, (i.e., environmental assessments, <br />environmental impact statements, memoranda of agreement, and other documents as required by <br />49 U.S.C. § 303) and agrees to comply with any conditions the Federal Government might impose <br />in e finding of no significant hnpao1 or record of decision. The Grantee agrees that those <br />environmental mitigation measures are incorporated by reference and made part of this Agreement <br />fortheProject. The Grantee also agrees that any deferred mitigation measures will be incorporated <br />by reference and made part of this Agreement for the Project as soon as agreement with the <br />Federal Government is reached.. The Grantee agrees that those mitigation measures agreed upon <br />may not be modified or withdrawn without the express written approval of the Federal Government. <br />Section 24, EnergV Conservation, The Grantee agrees to comply with the North Carolina Energy Policy <br />Act of 1975 (N.C.G.S. 113B) issued in accordance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as <br />,amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 8321 et seq., except to the extent that the Department determines otherwise in <br />writing. To the extent applicable, the Grantee agrees to perform nn energy assessment for any building <br />uonstruoted, reooUatruoted, or modified with FTA assistance, as provided in FTA nagu/ot|ona. <br />"Requirements for Energy /4oaeaornenta.°4SC.F.R. Part G22. Subpart C <br />Section 25. Charter Service Operations. <br />The Grantee acknowledges that Federal and State requirements prohibit the use of v*hidsm, fecUO§ea <br />and equipment funded by Federal or State grant progra mis for the provision of charter services unless it <br />ia determined that there are nowi|UOQ and able nha�eroperators in the service area. Federal |oVVdoes <br />not provide exceptions to these regulations for vehicles that are loaned or leased to other agencies or <br />entities. <br />The Grantee agrees that neither it nor any public transportation operator performing work in connection <br />with u Project financed uoder48 U.S.C. chapter 53 will engage in charter service operations, s(oept as <br />authorized by 49 U.G.C. § 5323(j) and FTA regulations, "Charter Sen/ice,'49 C.F.R. Pod 64. <br />and any <br />subsequent Charter Service regulations or FTA directives that may be issued, except to the extent that <br />FTA determines otherwise in writing. Any charter service agreement required by FTA regulations is <br />incorporated by reference and made part Vf this Agreement for the Project. The Grantee understands <br />and agrees that in addition to any remedy specified in the charter service agreement, if a pattern of <br />violations of that agreement io found, the violator will be barred from receiving Federal transit assistance <br />inen amount tobe determined by FTA urU.S.DOT. <br />Section 26. School Transportation Operations. The Grantee agrees that neither if nor any public <br />transportation operator performing work in connection with a Project financed under 49 U.S.C. chapter <br />53 will engage in school transportation operations for the transportation of students or school personnel <br />exclusively in competition with private school transportation operators, except ms authorized by49U.S.C. <br />§§5323dDor(z)'ae applicable, and FTA regulations, "School Bus [}peretionn."49C.F.R. Part 6O5,and <br />05/27%2015 Page 30u[37 <br />
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