2017-575 OPT - FY2018 NCDOT application for Section 5310 Public Transportation Grant
Board of County Commissioners
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2017-575 OPT - FY2018 NCDOT application for Section 5310 Public Transportation Grant
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7/23/2019 12:17:15 PM
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4/12/2018 11:13:32 AM
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10/18/16; 5-a
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R 2017-575 OPT - NCDOT - Public Transportation Grant Agreement - Section 5310
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SmoUom 21. Except to the -exhantthe Department determines <br />otherwise in writing, the Grantee agrees aafollows: <br />a. The Grantee agrees to <br />submit drawings, dooigna, and/o[ description of work for *znotnuobon, rAnovation, or facility <br />improvement projects, inc|udin8thepunchooeor000etnuctynnofbusohelterstntheOepertD)entfbr <br />its review and approval prior tosolicitation. <br />b. . The Grantee agrees ƒo record and report Minority-owned BUsinaaa <br />good faith efforts in accordance with N.C.E).G. 143-128.2(O. <br />C. Supervision of Construction. The Grantee agrees to provide and maintain competent and <br />adequate engineering supervision at the construction site to ensure that the complete vvoFh <br />conforms tu the approved plans and specifications. <br />d. Construction Reports. The Grantee agrees to provide progress reports and other data and <br />information na may be required by the Department. <br />o. Project Management for Major Capital Projects; To the extent applicable, the Grantee agrees to <br />comply with FTA regulations, "Project Management Oversight." 49 C.F.R. Part 633, and any <br />subsequent Project &1anmgernent[)vnrsiQbtrngu/a1ionsFTAmayissUe. <br />t Seismic Safety, The Grantee agrees to comply with the Earthquake Hazards Reduction /\uf of <br />1977, as amended. 42 U.S.C. §§ 7701 etsnq.. with Executive Order No. 12099. "Seismic Safety <br />of Federal and Federally-Assisted or Regulated New Building Construction," 42 U.S.0 § 7704 <br />note, and with U.S. DOT regulations, "Seismic Ga#stv'''4QCF.R. Part 41, specifically, 49 C.F.R. � <br />41.117. <br />Section 22. Employee Protections. <br />a. Construction Activities. The Grantee agrees to comply, and assures the compliance nf each third <br />party Grantee and each subrmcipienƒ at any tier of the Project, with the following lams and <br />regulations providing protections for construction employees: <br />(1\ , as amended, 48 U.S. ' C. § 5333/a\, which requires uonnp|ioncevvifhthe <br />Davis-Bacon /\ct,4OU.G.C.§§3141atoeq.' and implementing U.G.O[}L regulations, "Labor <br />Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts Governing Federally Financed and Assisted <br />Construction /o|oo Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Nonoonntruction Gontreoto <br />Subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards 8cd'''20C.F.R. Part 5; <br />(2) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, as amended, 40 U.G.C. §§J701 etseq., <br />specifically, the wage and hour requirements of Section 1O2of that Act at 40 U.S.C. §37O2, <br />and implementing U.S. DDL regulations, "Labor Standards Provisions Applicable 10 <br />Contracts Governing Federally Financed and Assisted Construction /o|ao Labor Standards <br />Provisions Applicable to Nonconstruction Contracts Subject to the Contract Work Hours and <br />Safety Standards AoM,"29 C.F.R. Part 5; and the safety requirements ofSection 1O7ofthat <br />Act at 40 U.G.C. 0 3704, and implementing U.G. DOL regulations, "Safety and Health <br />Regulations for Constructioo'"29CF.R. Part 1020;and <br />CD ' as amended, 18 U.S.C. § 874 and 4O U.S.C. Section 3145 <br />and implementing U.S. OOL regulations, "Grantees and SubGnantaexon Public Building or <br />Public Work Financed in VVho|o or in part by Loans nr Grants from the United States," 29 <br />G.F.R. Part 3. <br />b. Activities Not Involving Construction. The Grantee agrees to comply, and assures the compliance <br />of each third party Grantee and each uubrocipiantat any tier of the Project, vviththeernp|oyee <br />protection requirements for nnUoonotrUntinn employees of the Contract Work Hours and Safety <br />Standards Act, as amended, 40U.S.C. §§ particular the wage and hour <br />requirements of Section 1O2of that Act at4OU.S.C. 837O2. and with U.8.D{lLregulations, "Labor <br />Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts Governing Federally Financed and Assisted <br />Construction (also Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Nonconstruction Contracts Subject to <br />the. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards AoM,"2BC.F.R. Part 5. <br />G. Activities Involving Commerce. The Grantee agrees thutthm provisions nf the Fair Labor Standards <br />Act, 20U.8.C.§§2O1ptaeq.. apply to employees performing Project vvorkinvok/ingrornrnoroa <br />d. . The Grantee. <br />05127/2015 Page Z7of37 <br />
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