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final rule, "Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Fe dana|k/ <br />Assisted Programs," 49 C.F.R. Part 24, at 70 Fed. Fem. 500 otooq, 2005.] Jmnuery4' 2OO�Theso <br />requirements apply to relocation in connection vvlth all interests in naa| property acquired for the <br />Project regardless of Federal participation in. the costs of that real property. <br />b. Nondiscrimination in Housing. In carrying out its responsibilities to provide housing that may be <br />required for compliance with Federal relocation noqVi[ecOoOts for individuals, the Grantee agrees <br />to comply with Title VIII ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 3601 etaeq.' <br />and with Executive Order No. 12892, "Leadership and Coordination of Fair Housing in Federal <br />Programs: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.''42U.S.C. §36O8note. <br />c. . |V undertaking construction or rehabilitation of <br />residential structures on behalf ofindividuals affected by real property acquisition in connection <br />with implementing the Project, tUeGrunhaeegrecothatitvvi||notume|ead-baaedpmint.00nsiotont <br />with the prohibitions of Section 401/b\ of the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, 42 <br />U.S.C. § 4831 (b), and the provisions of U.S. Housing and Urban Development regulations, "Lead' <br />based Paint Poisoning inCertain Residential Structures." <br />Smo1no3O. Real Property. For real property acquired with Federal assistance, the Grantee agrees oa <br />follows: <br />e. Land Acquisition. The Grantee agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. � 5324(a), which requires <br />oornp|iaDum with the UOhbnn Re|onu1|oD Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of <br />1Q7O.aaoDneUded.42U.G.<�. §§40O1atneq.; and Vv�hU.G.D(lT regulations, "Uniform Relocation <br />Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs," 49 C. F.R. <br />Part 24. [Gee. new U.S. DOT final rule, "Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property <br />Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs," 49 C.F.R. Part 24, 70 Fed. Reg. 590 at <br />seq.' January 4, 2005] These requirements. apply to all interests in real property acquired for <br />Project purposes regardless of Federal participation in the cost of that real property. <br />b. Covenant Assurinq Nondiscrimination. The Grantee agrees to include a covenant in the title nfthe <br />oaa| property acquired for the Project t000surenbndiscrirninat|onduringtheuoufU!Ufeofthe <br />Project. <br />C, Recordinq Title to Real Property. To the extent required by FTA and the Department, the Grantee <br />agrees to record the Federal and/or State's interest in title to real property Used in connection with <br />the Project end/oFexecuteed-thereqUeatoftheDapertrDen[anyinmtrunneDtVrducurnento <br />evidencing o[ related tothe State's interest in the Project' o property. <br />U\.. Aso condition of its participation ina Facility Project, theDepartnnontvi||retainasecurod <br />interest in the Project for the estimated life of the Project, expected tobe forty (4O)years, <br />following completion of the Project; or the prorated share of the original investment or <br />current fair market value (the higher value uf the two); whichever comes first. <br />e. Department Approval of Changes in Real PropertV Ownership. The Grantee agrees that it will not <br />dispose of, modify the use of, or change the terms of the real property title, or other interest in the <br />site and facilities used in the Project without prior vv[ittaD permission and instructions from the <br />Department. <br />— Disposal of Real PropertV. <br />(1} |f useful life in not attai0ed,upoU the sale or disposition of any Project fecihh/theDepadnloDt <br />.aho|| be entitled toa refund ofthenri ina|otateand/orfodena|inveatnnmntorthesteteend/or <br />federal prorated oha.remf the current fair market value of the project feri|dv'vvhicheverie <br />greater. <br />C8 For the purpose of this Agreement, the term "any sale or disposition nf the Project tnni|itv" <br />shall mean any sale or disposition of the facility for a use not consistent with purposes for <br />which the state andfor federal share was original,ly granted pursuant to the Project <br />Agreement, or for a use consistent with such purposes wherein the transferee in the sale or <br />. <br />disposition does not enter into an assignment and assumption agreement with the. Grantee <br />with respect to the Grantee's obligation under this Agreement or the Grant Agreement, so <br />that the transferee becomes obligated as if the transferee had been the original party. <br />0512712015 Page 2hof9? <br />