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written approval from the Department before the lease is executed and forward a copy <br />of the signed, executed /naaa agreement to the Department. The GcaDtae, on a <br />.Community Transportation System, shall not lease vehicles to human service, <br />agencies, county agencies/government, community agencies or school systems. The <br />Grantee agrees not to loan vehicle(s) to other agencies/individuals for short-term use, <br />even during hours that the transportation system is not providing service, as the <br />vehio(e/s> will generally heused. tn provide service that im"dosed-door."ie., not open <br />to the general public. <br />Disposition of Project . With prior Department approval, the Grantee may sell, transfer, <br />or lease Project property and use the proceeds to reduce the gross p jeotnostofofhere|iQib|e <br />capital public transportation projects to the extent permitted by 49 U.S.C. § 5334(h)(4). The <br />Grantee also agrees that the Department shall determine "useful life" for all Project propedxond <br />that the E)oaOtoe will use Project property continuously and appropriately throughout the useful <br />life ofthatproperty. Upon the end of the period of useful life, the Grantee may dispose ofProject <br />property after notifying and receiving disposition instructions from the Department. <br />(1) Project Property Whose Useful Life Has Expired. When the useful life of Project propeds <br />has expired, the Grantee agrees to comply with the Department's disposition requirements. <br />(2) . For Project property withdrawn from <br />appropriate use before its useful life has expired, the Grantee agrees asfollows: <br />/o\ . The Grantee agrees to notify the Department immediately <br />when any Project prnpedvispremmture|ywithdrmvvOfroOnapprnpriatnqse'vVhsdherbv <br />planned withdrawal, noiouaa, or casualty loss. <br />/h\ Calculating the Fair Market Value of Prematurely Withdrawn Project Propert . Th& <br />Grantee agrees that the RadocmKGtabe Government retains a Federal/State interest in, <br />the fair market value of Project prnpedvpn*rnotuna|yvvithdravvnfrunOappPophateuoe. <br />The amount of the Federal/State interest iO the Project propedvsho||bedete[nnined <br />by the ratio of the Federal/State assistance awarded for the property tothe actual cost <br />of the property. The Grantee agrees that the fair market value of Project property <br />prematurely withdrawn from use VWU be calculated as follows: <br />1. The Grantee agrees that the hni[ market value of <br />Project equipment and supplies shall be calculated by straight-line depreciation <br />of that pnnpedx, based on the useful life of the equipment or supplies an <br />established by the Department. The fair market value of Project equipnlontand <br />supplies shall be the value immediately before the occurrence prompting the <br />withdrawal of the equipment or supplies from appropriate use. In the case of <br />Project equipment � or supplies lost nrdamaged by fire, ceoue|tv' orDotOro| <br />disomter, the fair market value shall be cm|nU|eted on the basis of the condition <br />of that equipment or supplies immediately before the fire, neuuu|ty' or Dedu[o| <br />disaster, or the amount of insurance coverage, whichever ingreater. <br />2. Real PropertV. The Grantee agrees that the fair market Value of real property <br />financed under the Project shall be determined by FTy\ either on the basis of <br />competent appraisal based on an appropriate date approved byFTA' an <br />provided by 49 C.F.R. Part 24, by straight line depreciation of improvements to <br />real property coupled with the value of the land as determined by FIA on the <br />basis of appraisal, or other Federal law or regulation.s that ma"y be applicable. <br />8. Exceptional Circumstances. The Grantee agrees that the Department may <br />require the use of another method to determine the fair market value ofProject <br />property. In unusual circumstances, the Grantee may request that another <br />reasonable valuation method be used |nn/uding, but not limited to, accelerated <br />depreciation, comparable sa|as, or established market values. In determining <br />whether to approve such a naqUnst. the Department may consider any action <br />tmheo^ omission made, or unfortunate Occurrence suffered by the Grantee with <br />respect tn the preservation of Project pnopedxwithdravvnfronnoppnopriatauna. <br />(o) , The Grantee agrees turemit <br />05/2712015 Page 24u[37 <br />