Orange County NC Website
� Gm������nu����ed�nm�ein��m�|use �������r <br />planning, capital, and operating expenses that are incurred in providing public <br />transportation; and; <br />(d) Private entities pay all applicable excise taxes onfuel. <br />t Title to Vehicles. The Certificate of Title to all vehicles purchased under the Approved Budget for <br />this Project ahe||be in the name uf the Grantee. The Department's Public Transportation Division <br />shall he recorded nn the Certificate of Title ao first |ieD-ho|dcr. In the event of project termination <br />or breach of contract provisions, the'Gnantee shall, upon written notification by the Department, <br />surrender Project equiprnentand/orl[aOsfertheCertifiomte(s)ofTit|eforPr 'eoteqUipnnenttothe <br />Department or the Department's designee. <br />g. Encumbrance of Project Property. The Grantee to maintain satisfactory continuing <br />pontrol of Project property as follows: <br />/1\ The Grant e-e agrees that it will not execute any transfer of title, lease, <br />lien, pledge, mortgage, encumbrance, third party contract, subagreement, grant anticipation <br />note, alienation, innovative finance arrangement (such as cross border lease, leveraged <br />|aase, or otherwise), or any other obligation pertaining to Project property, that in any Way <br />would affect the continuing Federal and State interest in that Project propedv. <br />(2) ' Transactions. The Grantee agrees that it will not obligate itself |D any manner tnany <br />third party with respect to Project p[opedv. _ <br />(3) Other Actions. The Grantee agrees that it will not take any action adversely affecting the <br />Federal and State interest in or impair the Grantee's continuing control of the use of Project <br />property. <br />h. The Grantee understands and agrees asfollows: <br />(1) Request. The Grantee may transfer any Project property financed vvith Federal <br />assistance authorized under 49 U.S.C. chapter 53 to o local governmental authority to be <br />used for any public purpose with no further obligation to the Federal Government, provided <br />the transfer is approved by the Federal Transit Administrator and conforms with the <br />requirements nf49U.S.C.085334(h)(1) through 5334(h)(3). <br />(Z) The Grantee agrees that the Federal or State <br />Government may direct the disposition of, and even 'require the Grantee to transfer title to <br />any Project propedvfinoncedwithFedens|/8tateeanietanoeunderthis/\gnsonlent. <br />(3) <br />/eA General. Prior toentehnginto any third party contract for leasing Project propedvto <br />another party, the Grantee agrees to obtain approval from the Department. If the <br />Grantee leases any Project propedvtuenothe[padx,theGnanteeagnaeetnretain <br />ownership of the leased Project property'andasoU[ethetthe|eeseeviUusefha <br />Project property appropriately, through a written lease between the Grantee and <br />lessee. The Grantee agrees to use the standard lease agreement form provided by <br />theDepmrtrnentandtbpPoV|deacopynftheoiUned.exeoUted|eaaaagreerneMttnthe <br />Department. |n accordance with Subsection 5eof this Agreement, regardless of <br />assignment of work to be completed under this P ject or lease of"ProjeGt aeoebstoe <br />third party, it is the Grantee's primary responsibility to comply with Federal and State <br />requirements of this Agreement and assure the compliance of any third party <br />Grantees. <br />(b) Lease of .The|easenfvmhir|enecqubadvith�nencie|asaistaDceauthohzed <br />for 48 U.S.C. chapter 53 to any third party is contingent upon approval of the <br />Department. It is allowable to lease vehicles to another Community Transportation <br />System providing general public service in the State of North 0ann|ine' upon approval <br />of the Department. /tis also allowable for vehicles tobe|e �sed1nathirdpadvoperator <br />or transportation management company that operates the transit service within 8 <br />county/regio'n under -contract to the Grantee, upon approval of the Department. The <br />Grantee agrees to use the vehicle lease agreement provided by the Department when <br />vehicles are leased, even if on a short-term booia' to another Community <br />Transportation System ora management company. The Grantee agrees to obtain <br />05/27/2015 Page Z]nf37 <br />