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propprty, the Grantee agrees that it may borequired to return the entire amount of the Federal and <br />State assistance expeOdedon that property. The Grantee further agrees to notify the Department <br />immediately when any Project propedvksvvithd[avVDfronnProjectUneorvvheneOyProject property <br />is used in o manner substantially different from the representations the Grantee his made in its <br />Application o[in the Project DescdptionforthioAgreernentfortheProject. /n turn, the Department <br />shall be responsible for notifying FT7\. <br />b. General. TheGnanteeogreentonomp|ywiththepropertvnnonagernmDtotandardeof49C.F�R.�� <br />18.31 through 18.33, including any amendments thereto, and with other applicable Federal and <br />State regulations and directives. Any exception to the requirements of48C.F.R. §§ 18.31 through <br />18.33 requires the express approval of the Federal Government in writing. The Grantee also <br />consents to the Department's reimbursement requirements for premature dispositions of certain <br />Project equipment, aa set forth in Subsection 17i of this Agreement, <br />c. � Th�Gnantee <br />shall maintain all project equipment at o high level of cleanliness, safetv, and nnechmD/oa| <br />soundness in accordance with the minimum maintenance requirements recommended by the <br />manufacturer. The Grantee shall register all vehicle maintenance activities in a Comprehensive <br />Maintenance Record 0ran electronic version ofsame. The Department shall conduct frequent <br />inspections to confirm proper maintenance pursuant to this Subsection 17G of this Agreement <br />and the State Management Plan. The Grantee shall collect and submit tm the Department at <br />such time and in such manner as it may require information for the purpose of the Department's <br />Public Transportation Management System (PTMG). <br />The Grantee shall maintain the facility, including any and all equipment installed into or added on <br />to the facility on part of the Project, iDgoodnperotingordorondatahighiave|ofc|eun|inesa.00fety <br />and mechanical soundness in accordance with good facility maintenance and upkeep practices <br />and in accordance with the minimum maintenance requirements recommended by the <br />manufacturer for all equipment installed in or added to the facility as port of the Project. Such <br />maintenance shall be in compliance with applicable Federal and state regulations or directives that <br />may be issued, except to the extent that the Department determines otherwise in Writing. The <br />Department shall conduct inspections as it deems necessary to confirm proper maintenance on <br />the pod of the Grantee pursuant to this Subsection 17c of the Agreement and the State <br />Management Plan. Such inspections may or may not be scheduled ahead of time, but will be <br />conducted such that they shall not significantly interfere with the ongoing and necessary functions <br />for which the Project vvasdesigned. The Grantee shall make every effort toaccommodate such <br />inspections by the Department in accordance with the Department's desired schedule for such <br />inspections. The Grantee ahoU collect and submit tothe Department at such time and in such <br />manner as the Department may require information for the purpose of the Department's Public <br />Transportation Management System (PTMS) and any and all other reports the Department deems <br />necessary. The Grantee shall also maintain and make available to the Department upon its <br />demand all documents, po|ioies, pronedures, purchase orders, bills of sale, internal work orders <br />and ainni|e[ items that demonstrate the Grantee's maintenance of the facility in good operating <br />order and at a high level of cleanliness, safety and mechanical soundness. <br />d� . The Grantee agrees to keep satisfactory records pertaining tothe use ofProject <br />property, and submit to the Department upon.request such information as may be required to <br />assure compliance With this Subsection 17of this Agreement. <br />n. Incidental Use. The Grantee agrees that: <br />(1) General. Any incidental use of Project property will not exceed that permitted under <br />applicable Federal and State laws, regulations, and directives. <br />/2\ Alternative Fueling Facilities. Aa authorized hv49U.G.C.85323(p). any incidental use of <br />its federally financed alternative fueling facilities and equipment by non-transit public <br />entities and private entities will be permitted, only ifthe: <br />6J Incidental use does not interfere with the Grantee's Project orpub|iotranoportoton <br />operations; <br />(b) Grantee fully recaptures all costs related to the incidental use from the non-transit <br />public entity orprivate entity; <br />0512712015 Page 32u[37 <br />