2017-575 OPT - FY2018 NCDOT application for Section 5310 Public Transportation Grant
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2017-575 OPT - FY2018 NCDOT application for Section 5310 Public Transportation Grant
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7/23/2019 12:17:15 PM
Creation date
4/12/2018 11:13:32 AM
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Agenda Item
10/18/16; 5-a
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R 2017-575 OPT - NCDOT - Public Transportation Grant Agreement - Section 5310
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projects. over $25,000, Which are funded in part with Federal funds. A sample certification form <br />can he obtained from the Department. The Grantee also agrees to check potential Grantee's <br />debarment/suspension status ut the Federal vvebsite: <br />https:/Iwww.dol.govlofccp/regs`/compliance/preaward/debarist.hfm and the State bi <br />W. With respect to any procurement for goods and services <br />(including construction services) having an aggregate value of $500,000 or more (in Federal funds), <br />the Grantee agrees to: <br />/1\ Specify the amount of Federal and State funds that will be used to finance.the acquisition in <br />any announcement uf the contract award for such goods or services; and <br />(2) Express the said amount aam percentage of the total costs of the planned acquisition. <br />X. Contract Administration System. The Grantee shall maintain ocontract, administration system that <br />ensures that Grantoeo/SVbG[anteen perform in accordance with the terms, conditions' and <br />specifications of their contracts or purchase orders, <br />y. Access to Third Party Contract Records. The Grantee agrees, and agrees to require its third party <br />Grantees and third podv GUbGnanteeo, at as many tiers of the Project as [equired, to provide to <br />the Federal and State awarding agencies or their duly authorized representatives, access to all <br />third party contract records to the extent required by 43 U.G.C. 8 5325(o), and retain such <br />documents for at least five (5) years after project completion. <br />Section 16. <br />a. Capital Leases. To the extent bletheGranteeagreestocomply with FTAregulations, <br />"Capital Lemsns."4QC£R. Part O30. and any revision thereto. <br />b. Leases Involvinn Certificates of Participation. The Grantee agrees to obtain the Department's <br />concurrence before entering into any leasing arrangement involving the issuance of certificates of <br />participation in connection with the acquisition of any capital asset. <br />C. Lease vs. Purchase. The Grantee agrees to obtain the Department's concurrence and o cost <br />analysis will be presented to evaluate the terms and conditions prior to entering into any lease <br />Section 16. Hold Harmless. Except as prohibited or otherwise limited by State law V[except to the <br />extent that FTA or the Department determines otherwise in writing,'upon request by the Federal or State <br />Government, the Grantee ognaee to indemnify, save-, and hold harmless the Federal and State <br />Government and its officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of their official duties against <br />any liability, including costs and expenses, resulting from any willful or intentional violation by the Grantee <br />of proprietary rights, copyrights, Vr right ofprivacy, arising out nf the publication, translation, naproduntion.' <br />de|ivary, use, or disposition of any data furnished under the Project. The Grantee ahoU not be required <br />to indemnify the Federal or State Government for any Such liability caused by the wrongful acts of Federal <br />or State employees oragents. <br />Section 17. Use.of Real Property, Eguipment, and Supplies. The Grantee understands and agrees <br />that the Federal/State Government retains o FederoV8tate interest in any real property, equipment, and <br />supplies financed with Federal/State assistance (Project property) until, and to the extent that the <br />Federal/State Government relinquishes its FedenaK8tate interestinthotProject p[o| erty. With respect <br />to any Project propedvfinancedVVithFedere|/Statoass|otanneunderthisAoneeromnt,theGranteeeQrees <br />to comply with the following provisions, except tn the extent FT&nr the Department determines otherwise <br />in writing: <br />a. Use of Project Property. The Grantee agrees to maintain continuing control of the use ofProject <br />property to the extent satisfactory to Fl7\. The Grantee agrees to use Project property for <br />appropriate Project purposes (which may include joint development purposes that generate <br />program income, both during and after the award period and used to support public transportation <br />activities) for the duration ofthe useful life of that property, an required byFTAnr the Department. <br />Should the Grantee unreasonably delay or fall to use Project propedvduringtheuseful|ifeofthat <br />05/27/2815 Page ZIo[37 <br />
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