2017-575 OPT - FY2018 NCDOT application for Section 5310 Public Transportation Grant
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2017-575 OPT - FY2018 NCDOT application for Section 5310 Public Transportation Grant
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7/23/2019 12:17:15 PM
Creation date
4/12/2018 11:13:32 AM
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Agenda Item
10/18/16; 5-a
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R 2017-575 OPT - NCDOT - Public Transportation Grant Agreement - Section 5310
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f. Neutrality in Labor Relations. Tn the extent permitted bvlaw, the Grantee agrees to comply with <br />Executive Order No. 13502. "Use of Project Labor Agreements (PLA) for Federal ConetruoUnn <br />Projects", February 0, 2009' 74 Fed. Reg. 6085 etseq. As e naeUlt. the Recipient is no longer <br />prohibited from requiring anafO|iotion\witho labor organization, such asa project |mboragnse[noDt. <br />as o condition for award of any third party contract or subcontract at any tier for construction or <br />construction management services, except to the extent that the Federal Government determines <br />otherwise inwriting. <br />Q. . State, |oce|' or nonprofit Recipients may not use Federal Supply <br />Schedules to acquire federally assisted property or services except to the extent permitted by U.S. <br />G38, U.S. DOT' or FTA |axYo, regulations, directives, or determinations. <br />h. Force Account. The Grantee agrees that FTA may determine the extent to which Federal <br />assistance may be used to participate iD force account costs. <br />i. Onit the Oepu�mentto review and <br />' approve the Grantee's technical specifications and requirements to the extent the Department <br />believes necessary to ensure proper Project administration. The Grantee agrees to submit the <br />following to the Department for its review and approval prior to solicitation: <br />(1) New/adapted specifications for equipment, supplies, apparatuses and new-type rolling stock. <br />This requirement does not apply to equipment, supplies, nr apparatuses with cost of less <br />than $30.000; or to Minivans; Conversion and Lift Vans; Center Aisle Vans and Standard <br />Vans; and Light Transit Vehicles (Cudsowmy-tVpeBu:). <br />CU Drawings, designs, and/or description of work for construction, renovation, or facility <br />improvement pr 'eoto.ino|udingthepUrchaseoroonatructionofbussha|tero, <br />j. Department Pre-award Approval, The Grantee agrees to submit procurement documents, including <br />the Procurement CheoNist, to the Department for its review and approval prior to award of e <br />contract/subcontract under this Agreement for any of the following: <br />(1) All new-type rolling stock (excluding Minivans); Conversion and Lift Vans; Center Aisle Vans <br />and Standard Venn; and Light Transit Vehicles (Cutaway-type Bus) not available on PTD <br />State contracts. . <br />(2) All specOhoebonn, d[avVinga, p/onu, and/or description of work required for all construction. <br />renovation, facility improvement or related type projects; <br />(3) All construction projects equal toor greater ƒhan'$30,0O0; <br />(4) Any "brand name" product or sole source purchase equal to or greater than $2,500; <br />(5) Any contract/subcontract to other than apparent lowest bidder equal to or greeter than <br />$3.500|$2'000 if itism construction related project <br />/O\ Any procurement equal ton[ greater than $SU.000; <br />(7) Any contract modification that would change the scope of.a contract or increase the contract <br />amount uptoor over the formal (oee|od) bid threshold of$0O'OOO. <br />/8\ All |noa| procurements over Q3'500 using grant funds, federal and/or state must submit o <br />Procurement Checklist with claim tobe eligible for reimbursement <br />k. Except fnLhe extent the Department determines <br />otherwise in writing, the Grantee agrees that the Department's mvvand of Federal and State <br />assistance for the Project domsnot.byitse|f,ronstitutnpna-opp[ova|ofmnynon-nonnpetitiVeth(rd <br />party contract associated with the Project. <br />|. Preference for Recycled Products. To the extent applicable, the Grantee aQnaeo to comply with <br />U.S. EPA regulations, "Comprehensive PnooU[ernant Guidelines for Products Containing <br />Recovered Materials'; 40 C.F.R. Part 247' which implements Section 6002 of the Roxnu[oe <br />Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended; 42 U.S.C. � 8 G8U2; and with subsequent Federal <br />/ <br />regulations that may bepromulgated. 'Accordingly, the Grantee agrees to provide a competitive <br />preference-for products and oen/ioeo that conserve natural resources, protect the env1roOnOent, <br />and are energy efficient. <br />rn. Clean Air and Clean Water. The Grantee agrees to include in each third party contract and <br />suheAreeDlentexoeeding $100.000 adequate provisions to ensure that each Project participant <br />will agree to report the use of facilities'p faced on or likely to be placed on the U.S. Environmental <br />Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) "List of Violating Facilities," to not use any violating facilities, to <br />05/27/2015 Page l7of37 <br />
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