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Grantee agrees to comply with the following U.S. domestic preference requirements: <br />a. Buy America. The Grantee agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. § 53230) and FTA regulations, "Buy <br />America Requirements," 49 C.F.R. Part 661 to the extent those regulations are consistent with the <br />FAST Act, MAP-21, or SAFETEA-LU provisions, and subsequent amendments to those regulations <br />that may be promulgated. The Grantee also agrees to comply with FTA directives to the extent <br />those directives are consistent with BAFETEA-LU provisions, except to the extent that FTA nrthe' <br />Department determines otherwise in writing. <br />b. . The Grantee agrees to comply with <br />U.G. K8mr|bnne Administration regulations, "Cargo Preference-U.S.-Flag Vessels," 46 C1.[{. <br />Part the extent those regulations apply to the Project. ` <br />C. Fly America. The Grantee understands and agrees that the Federal/State Government will not <br />participate in the costs of international air transportation of any individuals involved in or property <br />acquired for the Project unless that air transportation is provided by U.S.-flag air carriers to the. <br />extent service by U.S.-flag air carriers is avmi|ab|e, in accordance with the requirements of the <br />International Air Transportation Fair Competitive Practices Act of 1974, as amended, 49 U.S.C. <br />840118. and with U.G. G88 [egO|e1iona. "Use of United States Reg Air Carriers," 41 C.F.R. <br />§§3O1-1U.131 through 3O1-1O.143. <br />Section 14. To the extent applicable, the Grantee agrees <br />to comply with the following third party procurement provisions: <br />e. Statutory and RegulatorV Standards. The Grantee shall establish written procurement procedures <br />that comply with the required Federal and State standards as found on the Department's website: <br />. <br />The Grantee agrees to comply with the third pmdv procurement requirements with 2 C.F.R. 200. <br />"Uniform Administrative F<eqoiFoDlenta, Cont Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal <br />Ave(rda" (replaces 4QC.F.F{.18 and 1g. effective December 2O.2O14\;49U.S.C. Chapter 53,as <br />amended by FAST Act; FTA'u Master Agreement, FTA ; and other applicable Federal laws <br />' <br />in effect now oroo subsequently enacted; and other applicable Federal regulations pertaining to <br />third party procurements and subsequent amen drn e nts'thereto, to the extent those regulations are <br />consistent with SAFETEA-LU provisions and N.C.G.8. 143 Article 8. The Grantee also agrees to <br />comply with the provisions of FTA' Circular 4220.1F' "Third Party Contracting Guidance", as <br />amended, to the extent those provisions are consistent with the FAST ACT, MAP-21, or SAFETEA- <br />LU provisions and with any subsequent amendments thereto, except to the extent the Department <br />— or the FTA determines otherwise in writing. Although the FTA "Best Practices Procurement <br />Manual" provides additional procurement guidance, the Grantee understands that this FTA manual <br />is focused on third party procurement processes and may omit certain Federal requirements <br />applicable to the third party contract work tnbeperformed. <br />b. Full and Open Competition. |n accordance with 4SU.8.C.05325(u), the Grantee agrees toconduct <br />' <br />all procurement transactions in a manner that provides full and open competition as determined by <br />the Department and FTA. <br />C. Exclusionary or DiscriminatbrV Specifications. Apart from inconsistent requirements imposed by <br />Federal laws or regulations, the Grantee uQnsea to comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.0 § <br />5325(h) by not using any Federal assistance awarded by FTA to support procurement using. <br />exclusionary nr discriminatory specifications. <br />d. Geographic Restrictions. In accordance with N'C.G.G. 143 Article 3O. the Grantee agrees that it <br />will not use any State o[ local geographic preference, except State o[ local geographic preferences <br />expressly mandated or as permitted by FTA. 8ovvovor, for example, in procuring architectural, <br />engineering' or related services, the Grantee's geographic location may be ase|eotion oriterion, <br />provided that a sufficient number of qualified firms are eligible to compete. <br />e. . The Grantee agrees that in accordance with 4BU.8.C.85325/0, <br />any State law requiring buses to be purchased through in-.State dealers will not apply to purchases <br />of vehicles acquired with funding authorized under 4QU.S.C. Chapter 53. <br />05/27%2015 Page I0of]7 <br />