Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 20eAnBoE-EAa4-4n41*EoD4nAoBeoonEos <br />Bid Proposal of(^) <br />Bid Proposal <br />SUBCONTRACTOR BID PROPOSAL TAILOVING <br />SPORTSPLEX FIELD HOUSE <br />HILLSBOROUGH, M� <br />Dote. \�7 <br />Allen Grading Company, Inc. <br />(Hereinafter called ~Biddcr)u(*^) Corporation <br />organized and existing under the laws o[ the State n[ North Carolina <br />'Insert name oyFirm <br />**Insert Corporation, partnership. or individual. as applicable. <br />TO: T.A. Loving Company <br />40UPotc/ovmRd. <br />Goldsboro. North Carolina 27530 <br />ThcEhddzr m compliance with the Invitation for Bids. has cx`ninrddbc Contract documents and other <br />related documents, including the availability of materials and |ohnr.borby proposes to furnish all labor. <br />muonalo` mn|s, equipment, machinery, equipment rental. transportation. suponntendcncr, prr6»nn uU <br />xork` provide all services, and u`consourtall work in eocnr&occ mdh the Contract Documents set forth <br />herein, and at the prices stated below. <br />After Bid Proposal-, are received, tabulated and evaluated byT. A. Loving Company, and the successful <br />8iddcr for each category o[ work has been determined, said 8iddcr agrees uumeet immediately with T.A <br />Loving Company ot the place nf receipt o[bids for Purposes ofJctcnnming any duplications oronniaions <br />For purposes of these mcexiugs.the Bidder ugrncs/o provide o complete. detailed cost breakdown: o list o| <br />all Subcontractors proposed for use in the work: and list of all items. materials and their manufacturers <br />proposed for use in their work. <br />The Bidder, i[ awarded u Subcontract ugrrco to commence nvrk and m fully complete and ddiurthis <br />Work Category in accordance with the schedule prepared by'r. A. Lm ing Conipan�. <br />The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the rollowinu Addenda: <br />