Orange County NC Website
4. Approved double - bladed street name signs shall be erected at the <br />intersections of public streets prior to Planning Department signatures on <br />the Final Plat or prior to issuance of any building permit if road <br />construction is secured by letter of credit as described herein. <br />5. Prior to any construction or alteration of any existing access within the <br />right -of -way of Jones Ferry Road (S. R. 1942), the owner /applicant shall <br />secure a driveway permit from the NCDOT District Office. <br />The owner /applicant shall submit a copy of the NCDOT- approved permit <br />and NCDOT approval letter to the Planning Department prior to, or at the <br />same time as, the request for a grading permit is made, or before <br />Planning Department signatures are affixed on the Final Plat, whichever is <br />f i rst. <br />6. Sight triangles (10' x 70') shall be shown on the Final Plat at the <br />intersection with each of the Morgan Ridge Way and Jones Ferry Road <br />(S. R. 1942).. <br />D. Land Use Buffers and Landscaping <br />1. The 30 -foot wide land use buffer along Jones Ferry Road (S. R. 1942), <br />identified on the approved Preliminary Plat, shall be preserved in <br />perpetuity in accordance with the provisions of the UDO. The document, <br />as well as any local covenants, shall require the applicant or future <br />homeowners association to preserve the required land use buffer. <br />2. Upon completion of roadway improvements Planning Department staff <br />shall complete an inspection in the area to ascertain if additional roadway <br />plantings are required in accordance with the provision(s) of the UDO. <br />In the event additional plantings are required, the applicant shall submit a <br />formal landscape plan re- establishing required vegetation. The <br />owner /applicant shall install landscaping as indicated on the approved <br />Landscape Plan and the Planning Department shall inspect and approve <br />such landscaping before signing the Final Plat. It should be noted no part <br />of any additional landscaping shall encroach into the ten (10) foot by <br />seventy (70) foot sight triangles at the public road intersection. <br />OR <br />The owner /applicant shall submit a letter of credit or cash bond to secure <br />required landscape installation and preservation. The owner /applicant <br />shall provide, as specified within the UDO, an estimate of the cost for <br />required preservation, plantings and their installation. The financial <br />guarantee shall reflect 110% percent of the estimate and be issued by an <br />accredited financial institution licensed to do business in North Carolina. <br />3. Provision for protection of existing trees shall be included in the Final Plat, <br />as well as the recorded Declaration of Restrictions as prepared by the <br />Orange County Planning Department. <br />